file system finder inspired by finder in Nette framework.
Changelog is in the bottom of this readme.
$ npm install fs-finder
Searching files in directory
var Finder = require('fs-finder');
var files = Finder.in('/var/data/base-path').findFiles(); // returns array with file's names
Searching directories
var directories = Finder.in(baseDir).findDirectories(); // returns array with directories's names
Searching for files and directories
var paths = Finder.in(baseDir).find(); // returns array with file's and directories's names
Recursive searching
var paths = Finder.from(baseDir).find();
Path mask
var files = Finder.from(baseDir).findFiles('*.coffee');
In this example fs finder looks for all files in base directories recursively with '.coffee' in their name.
Asterisk is just shortcut for regexp '[0-9a-zA-Z/.-_ ]+' so you can also use regexp in mask.
Only thing what you have to do, is enclose your regex into <>.
var files = Finder.from(baseDir).findFiles('temp/<[0-9]+>.tmp'); // files in temp directories with numbers in name and .tmp extension
Same technique like path mask works also for excluding files or directories.
var files = Finder.from(baseDir).exclude(['/.git']).findFiles();
This code will return all files from base directory but not files beginning with .git or in .git directory.
Also there you can use regular expressions or asterisk.
Filtering by file size
var files = Finder.from(baseDir).size('>=', 450).size('<=' 500).findFiles();
Returns all files with size between 450B and 500B.
Filtering by modification date
var files = Finder.from(baseDir).date('>', {minutes: 10}).date('<', {minutes: 1}).findFiles();
Returns all files which were modified between two and nine minutes ago.
Date filter expecting literal object (you can see documentation in moment.js documentation)
or string date representation in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.
Custom filters
var filter = function(stat, path) {
if ((new Date).getMinutes() === 42) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var files = Finder.from(baseDir).filter(filter).findFiles();
Returns all files if actual time is any hour with 42 minutes.
Custom filters are anonymous function with stat file object parameter (documentation)
and file name.
System and temp files
In default, fs-finder ignoring temp and system files, which are created for example by gedit editor and which have got ~ character
in the end of file name or dot in the beginning.
var files = Finder.in(dir).showSystemFiles().findFiles()
Look in parent directories
Finder can also look for files in parent directories. There is used exclude
method, so directories in which were your
files already searched, will not be opened for searching again in their next parent directory if you are using from
Keep in mind that one of parent directories is also your disk root directory, so you can set depth of count of these parents.
var files = Finder.in(dir).lookUp().findFiles('5.log');
// or set depth
var files = Finder.in(dir).lookUp(3).findFiles('5.log');
## Find first
When you want to find first occur of some file or directory, you can use option `findFirst`. fs-finder will not look into
all directories (for recursive searching) but stop when it will find first matching path.
If there is no matching path, null will be returned.
var file = Finder.from(dir).findFirst().findFiles('<[0-9]{2}>');
## Changelog
* 1.7.0
+ Mistake in test
+ Bug in Finder (filters were shared across all instances)
+ Preferred way is to use 'static' methods
+ Tests uses 'static' methods
+ Added `findFirst` option
* 1.6.0
+ New reporter for tests
+ Tests rewritten to coffeescript
+ Added `lookUp` option
+ Typos in readme
* 1.5.1
+ Compare function replaced with [operation-compare](https://npmjs.org/package/operator-compare)
* 1.5.0
+ Added changelog
+ Created tests (npm test)
+ Repaired bugs with hiding system and temp files
* 1.4.3
+ Added MIT license
* 1.4.2
+ Renamed repository from fs-finder to node-fs-finder
* 1.4.1
+ Type in readme
* 1.4.0
+ Every regexp must be enclosed in <> (before this, dots means everything, not dot)
+ Every character, which does mean something in regexp and is not in <>, is escaped
* 1.3.0 (it seems that I skipped this version, sorry)
* 1.2.0
+ Added in, from methods
* 1.1.0
+ Added shortcuts "static" methods
* 1.0.1
+ Some bug in combination with [simq](https://npmjs.org/package/simq)
* 1.0.0
+ Initial commit