A library for omnipotent file system control
The VDT is a recursively created JavaScript object generated from a path you designate in your file system. The VDT makes it much easier to search, read, write, append, prepend, create, delete, and execute files, as well as other file system oriented tasks that would typically be repetitive and tricky to do dynamically and efficiently.
const fsgod = require('fsgod');
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.content.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.type == 'directory') {
console.log(item.name + ' is a dir with ' + item.content.length + ' items');
} else {
The above code looks through the specified directory's virtual content and if it finds another directory, it prints it's name and items, if it's not a directory, it will just print it's name
The vdt object that gets passed to the callback in fsgod.VDT is the Virtual Directory Tree. fsgod.VDT recursively walks all the way through the specified folder and builds each item into a JavaScript object and passes it back to the user in the callback.
Consider the following example file system
│ bar.txt
│ │ bar.json
│ │
│ └───subfolder1
│ │ bar.xml
| |
Running the below script
const fsgod = require('fsgod');
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
Will result in
"type": "directory",
"fullPath": "/Foo",
"name": "Foo",
"content": [
"type": "file",
"name": "bar.txt",
"fullPath": "/Foo/bar.txt",
"content": "",
"dev": 2066,
"size": 0,
"uid": 1000,
"mode": 33279,
"gid": 1000,
"nlink": 1,
"blksize": 4096,
"blocks": 0,
"ino": 210616,
"atime": "2018-02-08T23:57:25.234Z",
"mtime": "2018-02-08T23:57:25.234Z",
"ctime": "2018-02-08T23:57:25.234Z"
"type": "directory",
"fullPath": "/Foo/folder1",
"name": "folder1",
"content": [
"type": "file",
"name": "bar.json",
"fullPath": "/Foo/folder1/bar.json",
"content": "",
"dev": 2066,
"size": 0,
"uid": 1000,
"mode": 33279,
"gid": 1000,
"nlink": 1,
"blksize": 4096,
"blocks": 0,
"ino": 210369,
"atime": "2018-02-08T23:57:06.560Z",
"mtime": "2018-02-08T23:57:34.329Z",
"ctime": "2018-02-08T23:57:34.329Z"
"type": "directory",
"fullPath": "/Foo/folder1/subfolder1",
"name": "subfolder1",
"content": [
"type": "file",
"name": "bar.xml",
"fullPath": "/Foo/folder1/subfolder1/bar.xml",
"content": "",
"dev": 2066,
"size": 0,
"uid": 1000,
"mode": 33279,
"gid": 1000,
"nlink": 1,
"blksize": 4096,
"blocks": 0,
"ino": 210387,
"atime": "2018-02-08T23:52:42.880Z",
"mtime": "2018-02-08T23:52:42.880Z",
"ctime": "2018-02-08T23:52:42.880Z"
"dev": 2066,
"size": 144,
"uid": 1000,
"mode": 16895,
"gid": 1000,
"nlink": 1,
"blksize": 4096,
"blocks": 0,
"ino": 210376,
"atime": "2018-02-08T23:57:13.989Z",
"mtime": "2018-02-08T23:57:13.988Z",
"ctime": "2018-02-08T23:57:13.988Z"
"dev": 2066,
"size": 256,
"uid": 1000,
"mode": 16895,
"gid": 1000,
"nlink": 1,
"blksize": 4096,
"blocks": 0,
"ino": 210360,
"atime": "2018-02-08T23:57:06.518Z",
"mtime": "2018-02-08T23:57:06.517Z",
"ctime": "2018-02-08T23:57:06.517Z"
"dev": 2066,
"size": 240,
"uid": 1000,
"mode": 16895,
"gid": 1000,
"nlink": 1,
"blksize": 4096,
"blocks": 0,
"ino": 210352,
"atime": "2018-02-08T23:57:25.235Z",
"mtime": "2018-02-08T23:57:25.234Z",
"ctime": "2018-02-08T23:57:25.234Z"
VDT Directory Methods
Every directory object has a search method. The search method uses regular expressions to locate any item containing the string passed in the first argument. The search method only searches in and under the directory your are performing the search on
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.search('test', { content: false }, (results) => {
console.log('Found ' + results.length + ' items');
results.forEach((item, index) => {
The above code should find file and directory names that contain the phrase test and print their full paths.
You should notice the second argument takes an object which specifies search options; in the case of the above example, we don't want to look through file content for our search string, just names. The code below illustrates a search method without filters
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.search('test', (results) => {
console.log('Found ' + results.length + ' items');
results.forEach((item, index) => {
The filter options you can give to the object are
Filter | Type | Usage |
content | Boolean | Decides whether or not to search file content for results |
names | Boolean | Decides whether or not to search file/directory names for results |
files | Boolean | Decides whether or not to include files in search results |
directories | Boolean | Decides whether or not to include directories in results |
excludes | Array | Any search results containing a string in the 'excludes' array will be removed |
Because dynamically getting objects at variable depths can be very tricky, you can use the get method to easily navigate the VDT. For example, if you had a directory named Foo and a file named bar.txt inside it, you could use the following code to retrieve bar.txt
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
var bar = vdt.get('bar.txt');
Chaining get
The get method can be chained either in the url passed into the first argument, or together in sequence. Lets say directory Foo has 3 directories underneath it, all named Foo and bar.txt is at the bottom of this tree. i.e. the local path to bar.txt is Foo/Foo/Foo/Foo/bar.txt. You could get it in two ways
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
var bar = vdt.get('Foo').get('Foo').get('Foo').get('bar.txt');
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
var bar = vdt.get('Foo/Foo/Foo/bar.txt');
The mkdir method will create a directory for the vdt object and in the appropriate place in your file system. Lets say we wanted to create a directory named Foo, and then create a directory inside Foo named Bar. This operation can be made easy using the get method along side mkdir
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.mkdir('Foo', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
vdt.get('Foo').mkdir('Bar', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
The mkfile method will create a file for the vdt object and in the appropriate place in your file system. Lets say we wanted to create a directory named Foo, and then create a text file inside Foo named bar.txt
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.mkdir('Foo', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
vdt.get('Foo').mkfile('bar.txt', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
You can also give the file content when you create it like so
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
vdt.mkfile('bar.txt', 'Hello World', (err) => {
VDT File Methods
The exe method executes the file
Let's say our directory 'Foo' contains a python file named 'bar.py' which simply logs whatever arguments we pass to it back to the console and we'd like to execute it
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
vdt.get('bar.py').exe('python', ['arg1', 'arg2'], (stdout, stderr) => {
The first argument passed exe is the intital command sent to the command line. Since we want to execute a python file, we pass 'python' to the first argument to call the python interpreter. Similarly, we could pass 'node' and execute a JavaScript file. You can also not pass a string and pass the args into the first argument if it's a file type that can be automatically run by the operating system (.exe on windows etc.)
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
vdt.get('start.exe').exe(['arg1', 'arg2'], (stdout, stderr) => {
You can also call the method with only a call back and interpreter
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
vdt.get('bar.py').exe('python3', (stdout, stderr) => {
You can also call the method with only a call back
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
vdt.get('start.exe').exe((stdout, stderr) => {
Or execute the file with no arguments
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
The write method overwrites the content of the source file and VDT file object
Note: write and overwrite reference the same function
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
var bar = vdt.get('bar.txt');
bar.write('Goodbye world', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
The append method adds content to the end of the source file content and VDT file object
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
var bar = vdt.get('bar.txt');
bar.append('World', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
The prepend method adds content to the begining of the source file content and VDT file object
fsgod.VDT('Foo', (vdt) => {
var bar = vdt.get('bar.txt');
bar.prepend('Hello ', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
The json method only applies to files with the .json extension. The json method gets the content of the target .json file and returns it as a JavaScript object. The following code will create a file named test.json and then return it's content into a JSON ready-to-go object
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.mkfile('test.json', '{"foo":"bar"}', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
var file = vdt.get('test.json');
The writejson method only applies to files with the .json extension. The writejson takes a JavaScript object and converts it to a json string and saves it as the content of the target .json file. The following code will create a file named test.json, then return it's content into a JavaScript object, then update the foo variable and save it to test.json
fsgod.VDT('./', (vdt) => {
vdt.mkfile('test.json', '{"foo":"bar"}', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
var file = vdt.get('test.json'),
json = file.json();
json.foo = "updated!";
file.writejson(json, () => {
Virtual Directory
Each directory in the vdt callback is it's own Virtual Directory Tree with the same methods as the intial target directory
Key | Type | Usage |
content | Array | An array of both directories (VDT's) and files |
name | String | The name of the file or directory |
type | String | Will let you know if its a directory or file |
fullPath | String | The full path to the item |
size | Integer | Size of the item in bytes |
search | Function | Search in and under the directory for a search string |
get | Function | Gets the specified object and makes it's methods easily available |
mkdir | Function | Creates a directory in the VDT and your file system |
mkfile | Function | Creates a file in the VDT and your file system |
Virtual File
Key | Type | Usage |
content | String | File contents |
name | String | File name |
type | String | Will let you know if it's a directory or file |
fullPath | String | The full path to the item |
size | Integer | Size of the item in bytes |
exe | Function | Executes the file from the command line |
write/overwrite | Function | Overwrites the content of the file |
append | Function | Adds new content to the end of the file |
prepend | Function | Adds new content to the beginning of the file |
json | Function | Returns file contents as a JavaScript Object |
writejson | Function | Writes JavaScript object as JSON string to .json file |