FunctionalScript is a pure functional programming language and a strict subset of ECMAScript/JavaScript. It's inspired by
- JSON, as a subset of JavaScript; FunctionalScript is a superset of JSON.
- asm.JS/WebAssembly, as a subset of JavaScript;
- TypeScript, as a superset of JavaScript.
Try FunctionalScript here.
Create a new FunctionalScript repository on GitHub here.
jsonFile = expression
expression = primitive | array | objects
primitive = 'true' | 'false' | 'null' | number | string
array = '[' (() | items) ']'
items = expression (() | ',' items)
object = '{' (() | properties) '}'
properties = propertyId ':' expression (() | ',' properties)
propertyId = string
Stage 0
This stage can be used as an intermediate-code for VMs.
fjsFile = expression
expression = primitive | array | object | func | id | propertyAccessor
func = ('()' | id) '=>' body
body = '{' statements 'return' expression ';' '}'
statements = () | (statement statements)
statement = decl | ifStatement
decl = `const` id `=` expression `;`
ifStatement = `if` `(` expression `)` body
propertyAccessor = expression `[` expression `]`
call = expression `(` ( expression | ()) `)`
Stage 0.1. Node.js
nodeFile = statements 'module.exports' '=' expression ';'
Stage 0.2.
expression = ... | 'undefined' | groupingOperator | binaryOperatorExpression | unaryOperator | conditionalOperator
groupingOperator = '(' expression ')'
binaryOperatorExpression = expression binaryOperator expression
binaryOperator = comparisonOperator | arithmeticOperator | bitwiseOperator | logicalOperators | '??'
comparisonBinaryOperator = '===' | '!==' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<='
arithmeticBinaryOperator = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '**'
bitwiseBinaryOperator = '&' | '|' | '^' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>'
logicalBinaryOperator = '&&' | '||'
unaryOperator = '-' | '~' | '!'
Note: the syntax should be fixed to reflect operator precedents.
No ==
, !=
, =...
Function Expression
func = ('()' | id) '=>' (('{' statements 'return' expression ';' '}') | expression)
propertyAccessor = expression (('[' expression ']') | ('.' id))
propertyId = string | id
For example 42n
Additional Operators
typeOfOperator = 'typeof' expression
inOperator = expression 'in' expression
Stage 0.3. Syntax sugar
Hex, binary and octal literals
Functions with multiple parameters.
Spread syntax. For example ...object
Destructing assignments. For example const {a,b} = exp;
, const [a, b] = exp
Property Id expression { [exp]: exp }
Allow no semicolons.
Optional comma in arrays and objects.
Template literals const r= `onst r = ${exp}`;
An if
statement if (exp) { ... return exp }
Multiline strings
Regular expressions.
Stage 1
Typing using JSDoc and TypeScript types.
Stage 2
Mutable types with exclusive ownership (similar to Rust mutability).
Controversial ideas:
- Import and export
import x from "..."
, export const x = ...
, export default =
e.t.c. This may break new Function
runners. - Functional-TypeScript as a subset of TypeScript. Note: FunctionalScript doesn't require an additional build step in contrast to TypeScript.