is a collection of "async" function generators and/or transformers.
In coffee-script
{delay, product, compose} = require "functors"
fns = ( delay f for f in [
(x) -> x + 1
(x) -> x + x
(x) -> x * x
] )
compose(fns) 1, (err, data) ->
console.log "compose yields #{data}"
# compose yields 16
product(fns) [1,2,3], (err, data) ->
console.log "product yields #{data}"
# product yields 2,4,9
By running coffee
we get the doc:
# `value = new LazyValue( fetch_fn )` creates a read only value initialized
# by an async `fetch_fn`. The value is read by `value.get( cb )`. E.g.:
# > var val = new LazyValue(function(cb){fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', cb);});
# > val.get( function( err, data ){ console.log(data.toString() ) });
# There is also a helper method `select`:
# `select(obj, path, cb)` a field `obj.path` in `obj` which may contain
# `LazyValue`s.
# The callback `cb(err,val)` is called once value `val` of `obj.path`
# is retrived or error occurs.
# `retry(asyncFun)` transforms `asyncFun` into another async function
# which will try executing `asyncFun` twice, if error, before calling its `callback`.
# Actually, the signature is:
# `retry(asyncFun,times=2,interval=500)`
# and it returns an async function.
# `throttle(fn, waitTime = 2000)` constructs a function, which behaves
# as its argument `fn`, unless it is called in intervals smaller than `waitTime`.
# In that case only the last call within that `waiting time` will be made.
# `delay( syncFun )` turns `syncFun` into an async functions.
# `delay(syncFun, timeout = 0, context = this)` defines an async
# function, which, when called, will be execuded with delay `timeout`.
# `compose(asyncFn1, asyncFn2, ...)` composes the asynchronous functions
# `asyncFn1`, `asyncFn2`, ...
# `product(asyncFn1, asyncFn2, ..., asyncFnk)` generates a new async function
# which takes an array of k elements and a callback `cb` as arguments, runs
# the async functions with the elements of the array. Finnaly, it calls `cb`
# with the array of results