Gallery Vue3
Gallery vue 3 is a gallery component, which aims to simplify your content displaying. You just give the image source to prop than it handles everything.
yarn add gallery-vue3
npm install gallery-vue3
There are two options avialable to use this component
As Component
import 'gallery-vue3/dist/gallery-vue3.css'
import Gallery from 'gallery-vue3'
export default {
install(app) {
app.component('Gallery', Gallery)
By Import
import 'gallery-vue3/dist/gallery-vue3.css'
import Gallery from 'gallery-vue3'
You must import css files above import statements otherwise component will not correctly render
Keyboard Functionality
- On press right arrow you can swipe to right.
- On press left arrow you can swtipe to left.
- On press esc you can close gallery.
Todo List