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Bindings to GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) with full async support

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Read and write raster and vector geospatial datasets straight from Node.js with this native asynchronous GDAL binding. To get started, browse the API Documentation or examples.

When in doubt on how to use a method, check also the unit tests.

Fork notes

This project is a fork of which is a fork of

It adds a number of features:

  • Support for asynchronous IO (since 3.0)
  • Full native TypeScript support with autocompletion in IDEs that support it (since 3.1)
  • Built-in networking support with native support for cloud services (since 3.2)
  • scijs/ndarray integration with zero-copy I/O (will appear in 3.3)
  • Read-only support for the new Multidimensional Raster Data Model of GDAL 3.1 (will appear in 3.3)
  • Support for curve geometries (since 3.1)
  • Progress callbacks (since 3.2)
  • Built-in support for HDF5, NetCDF, GRIB, WMS, WMTS, WCS and FlatGeobuf (will appear in 3.3)
  • Numerous bugfixes including a number of memory leaks

The default install is currently the 3.2 branch which is bundled with GDAL 3.2.3. The 3.3 branch, which introduces a number of significant changes, and is bundled with GDAL 3.3.0, is available by installing gdal-async@alpha.

Support for worker_threads is planned but it is not a priority project


Pre-built binaries are provided for most recent Linux distributions, Windows 64 bit and OS X 10.15:

npm install gdal-async

By default all dependencies are the latest versions and bundled out of the box, but if you would like to link against a pre-installed GDAL you will have to rebuild it when installing using the following flags:

# --shared_gdal allows linking to the OS-provided libgdal, requires libgdal-dev
# (debian: sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev)
$ npm install gdal-async --build-from-source --shared_gdal  

Sample usage


const gdal = require("gdal-async")
const dataset ="sample.tif")

console.log("number of bands: " + dataset.bands.count())
console.log("width: " + dataset.rasterSize.x)
console.log("height: " + dataset.rasterSize.y)
console.log("geotransform: " + dataset.geoTransform)
console.log("srs: " + (dataset.srs ? dataset.srs.toWKT() : 'null'))
const gdal = require("gdal-async")
const dataset ="sample.shp")
const layer = dataset.layers.get(0)

console.log("number of features: " + layer.features.count())
console.log("fields: " + layer.fields.getNames())
console.log("extent: " + JSON.stringify(layer.extent))
console.log("srs: " + (layer.srs ? layer.srs.toWKT() : 'null'))


Mixing of synchronous and asynchronous operations is supported.

Mixing of synchronous and asynchronous operations

Simultaneous operations on distinct dataset objects are always safe and can run it parallel.

Simultaneous operations on the same dataset object are safe too but they won't run in parallel. This is a limitation of GDAL. The only way to have multiple parallel operations on the same file is to use multiple dataset objects. Keep in mind that Node.js/libuv won't be able to detect which async contexts are waiting on each other, so if you launch 16 simultaneous operations on 4 different datasets, there is always a chance that libuv will pick 4 operations on the same dataset to run - which will take all 4 slots on the thread pool. It is recommended to either increase UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE or to make sure that every dataset has exactly one operation running at any given time. Take a look at which explains this in detail.

Also be particularly careful when mixing synchronous and asynchronous operations in server code. If a GDAL operation is running in the background for any given Dataset, all synchronous operations on that same Dataset on the main thread will block the event loop until the background operation is finished. This includes synchronous getters and setters that might otherwise be instantaneous.. It is recommended to retrieve all values such as raster size or no data value or spatial reference before starting any I/O operations.

Does not support worker_threads yet

HDF5 on Windows is not thread safe

With callbacks

If the last argument of an xxxAsync function is a callback, it will be called on completion with standard (e,r) semantics

In this case the function will return a resolved Promise

const gdal = require('gdal-async')
gdal.openAsync('sample.tif', (e, dataset) => {
    dataset.bands.get(1).pixels.readAsync(0, 0, dataset.rasterSize.x,
        dataset.rasterSize.y, (e, data) => {
        if (e) {
With promises

If there is no callback, the function will return a Promise

const gdal = require('gdal-async')
gdal.openAsync('sample.tif').then((dataset) => {
    dataset.bands.get(1).pixels.readAsync(0, 0, dataset.rasterSize.x, dataset.rasterSize.y)
        .then((data) => {
        }).catch(e => console.error(e));
}).catch(e => console.error(e));

TypeScript (starting from 3.1)

TypeScript support is available beginning with gdal-async@3.1.0

import * as gdal from 'gdal-async'

const ds1: gdal.Dataset ='sample.tif')
const ds2: Promise<gdal.Dataset> = gdal.openAsync('sample.tif')

In TypeScript gdal is a collection of named exports - as this is the preferred way of importing a native module in TypeScript and it does not impose the use of the esModuleInterop flag.

MJS (Node.js ES6 modules)

When importing from a so-called Michael Jackson Script environment (Node.js native ES6 modules), the correct import syntax is:

import gdal from 'gdal-async'

In MJS gdal is a default export - as this allows for maximum compatibility with existing CJS applications.

Built-in networking (starting from 3.2)

Built-in networking uses an embedded version of libcurl. It supports zlib compression through Node.js' own zlib support. It does not support brotli or zstd. Node.js includes brotli, but as of Node.js 16 it still does not export these symbols for use by add-ons (yes, go bug them - ask them for c-ares too). SSL on Linux uses OpenSSL through Node.js' own support. It uses the curl trusted root CA store by default and another store can be provided through the CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable or GDAL config option. SSL on Windows and OSX uses the OS-provided mechanisms - Schannel and SecureTransport respectively - and thus the trusted root CA store will be the one provided by the OS.

Breaking changes relative to node-gdal / node-gdal-next

  • If you are coming from node-gdal-next

    • Starting with 3.2
      • gdal.Geometry.fromGeoJson now throws an Error on error instead of simply returning a null geometry
    • Starting with 3.3
      • Drop support for linking against a shared GDAL 1.x library
      • Drop support for Ubuntu 16.04 and equivalent, Ubuntu 18.04 is the new baseline target
      • Drop support for Node.js 10.x and 15.x
      • gdal.DatasetBands.get{Async}() now throws an Error if an invalid band is requested instead of returning a null object
  • If you are coming from node-gdal, in addition to all of the above

    • With PROJ 6+, the order of coordinates for EPSG geographic coordinate reference systems is latitude first, longitude second. If you don't want to make large code changes, you can replace code like gdal.SpatialReference.fromEPSG(4326) with gdal.SpatialReference.fromProj4('+init=epsg:4326')

With ndarray from scijs

The 3.2 branch of gdal-async is compatible with ndarray from scijs, but the array must be in a positive/positive row-major stride.

const gdal = require('gdal-async');
const ndarray = require('ndarray');
const src ='sample.tif');
const band_src = src.bands.get(1);

// Read as ndarray
const data = ndarray(, 0, src.rasterSize.x, src.rasterSize.y),
                    [src.rasterSize.y, src.rasterSize.x]);

// Access with data.get(y, x);

const dst ='dst.tif', 'w', 'GTiff', src.rasterSize.x, src.rasterSize.y,
                    1, band_src.dataType);
const band_dst = dst.bands.get(1);

// Write from ndarray, must be in row-major stride (the default one)
band_dst.pixels.write(0, 0, src.rasterSize.x, src.rasterSize.y,;

A separate plugin ndarray-gdal allows zero-copy I/O, with GDAL-backed interleaving in C++ using SIMD instructions, for all possible 2D strides. The plugin requires gdal-async@3.3 and it is not compatible with the gdal-async@3.2 branch.

Bundled Drivers

When using the bundled GDAL version, the following drivers will be available: AAIGrid, ACE2, ADRG, AIG, AVCBin, AVCE00, AirSAR, BLX, BMP, BT, carto, CEOS, COASP, COSAR, CPG, CSV, CTG, CTable2, DGN, DIMAP, DIPEx, DOQ1, DOQ2, DTED, DXF, ECRGTOC, EDIGEO, EHdr, EIR, ELAS, ENVI, ERS, ESAT, ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo File, MBTiles, FAST, FIT, FlatGeobuf, FujiBAS, GFF, GML, GPSBabel, GPSTrackMaker, GPX, GRASSASCIIGrid, GRIB, GS7BG, GSAG, GSBG, GSC, GTX, GTiff, GenBin, GeoJSON, GeoRSS, Geoconcept, GPKG, HDF5, HF2, HFA, IDA, ILWIS, INGR, IRIS, ISIS2, ISIS3, Idrisi, JAXAPALSAR, JDEM, JPEG, KMLSUPEROVERLAY, KML, KRO, L1B, LAN, LCP, LOSLAS, Leveller, MAP, MEM, Memory, MFF2, MFF, MITAB, MVT, NDF, NetCDF, NGSGEOID, NITF, NTv2, NWT_GRC, NWT_GRD, OGR_GMT, OGR_PDS, OGR_SDTS, OGR_VRT, OSM, OpenFileGDB, PAux, PCIDSK, PDS, PGDUMP, PNG, PNM, REC, RMF, ROI_PAC, RPFTOC, RS2, RST, R, S57, SAGA, SAR_CEOS, SDTS, SGI, SNODAS, SQLite, SRP, SRTMHGT, SVG, SXF, TIL, TSX, Terragen, UK .NTF, USGSDEM, VICAR, VRT, vsiaz, vsicurl, vsigs, vsigzip, vsimem, vsioss, vsis3, WAsP, WCS, WMS, WMTS, XPM, XYZ, ZMap

When compiling against a system-installed shared GDAL, all drivers and projections supported by it, should also be supported by gdal-async.


This binding was originally the product of a collaboration between Natural Atlas and Mapbox. Its contributors are Brandon Reavis, Brian Reavis, Dane Springmeyer, Zac McCormick, and others.

node-gdal-next is maintained by @contra.

The async bindings, the curve geometries, the TypeScript support, the built-in networking and the multidimensional raster model are by @mmomtchev who is the current maintainer.

Before submitting pull requests, please update the tests and make sure they all pass.

$ npm test # test against bundled gdal
$ npm run test:shared # test against most major versions
# test against shared gdal on given Linux version and Node.js version
$ npm run container dev {ubuntu|centos|fedora|debian|archlinux}:{version} 12|14|16|lts shared


Copyright © 2015–2017 Natural Atlas, Inc. & Contributors

Copyright © 2020-2021 Momtchil Momtchev, @mmomtchev & Contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Unit-tested platforms with pre-built binaries

Release binaries with pre-built bundled GDAL are tested against the full matrix of:

  • Node.js versions: 12.x, 14.x, 16.x
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 8, Fedora 33, Debian 10 buster, Arch Linux current, Windows Server 2019, macOS Catalina 10.15

Development versions are unit tested for the following targets:

Node.js 14.xCentOS 8system installed GDAL 3.0.4
Node.js 14.xCentOS 8bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 14.xDebian 10 bustersystem installed GDAL 2.1.2 (earliest unit-tested GDAL)
Node.js 14.xDebian 10 busterbundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 14.xFedora 33system installed GDAL 3.1.4
Node.js 14.xFedora 33bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 16.xArch Linux currentsystem installed GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 16.xArch Linux currentbundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 14.xUbuntu 18.04system installed GDAL 2.2.3
Node.js 14.xUbuntu 18.04bundled GDAL 3.2.3 (glibc target platform)
Node.js 12.xUbuntu 20.04system installed GDAL 3.0.4
Node.js 14.xUbuntu 20.04system installed GDAL 3.0.4
Node.js 16.xUbuntu 20.04system installed GDAL 3.0.4
Node.js 12.xUbuntu 20.04bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 14.xUbuntu 20.04bundled GDAL 3.2.3 (code coverage platform)
Node.js 16.xUbuntu 20.04bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 12.xWindows Server 2019bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 14.xWindows Server 2019bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 16.xWindows Server 2019bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 12.xmacOS Catalina 10.15bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 14.xmacOS Catalina 10.15bundled GDAL 3.2.3
Node.js 16.xmacOS Catalina 10.15bundled GDAL 3.2.3



Package last updated on 09 Jun 2021

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