A beginner friendly Discord API wrapper.
Gencord is a simple, beginner friendly, and easy to use library for interacting with the Discord API, with minimal syntax.
Why Gencord?
- Extremely fast, and efficient (2 dependencies)
- Beginner friendly
- Slash Commands + Inline Replies support
- JavaScript + TypeScript Support
For the full documentation, visit our website at gencord.js.org
With npm
$ npm i gencord
With yarn
$ yarn add gencord
Here's a quick example
const { Message, Client } = require("gencord");
const client = new Client({
token: "mysupersecrettoken",
intents: 513,
status: "online",
client.on("READY", () => {
client.on("MESSAGE_CREATE", (messageData) => {
const message = new Message(messageData, client);
if (data.content === "!hello") {
message.reply(message.channel_id, "hello there!");
In Gencord, MessageEmbeds are easy to create, and send.
const { MessageEmbed, colors } = require("gencord");
client.on("MESSAGE_CREATE", (messageData) => {
const message = new Message(messageData, client);
if (message.content === "!embed") {
const embed = new MessageEmbed(client);
embed.send(message.channel_id, {
title: "Title",
description: "My description",
footer: {
text: "this is the footer",
color: colors.BLUE,
url: "https://google.com",
image: {
Gencord at the current state
Gencord is at the pre-alpha state right now, which means there is no NPM package currently published. If you would like to test out the library, please use the following instructions.
- Download the code by running the command
git clone https://github.com/Gencord/gencord
, in your desired directory. - Run the command
npm install
, or yarn install
, to install all of the dependencies of Gencord locally. The library only has 2 dependencies, so it should take no time. - All testing changes should be made in the test directory, as this is where the testing of the project is done. Next, create a
file in the root dir, with 1 key called token, and paste your bot's token there. To start the current example, run the command npm run test-dev
, in the terminal. Your bot should start, and to look at the example's commands, check out src/test/test.ts