Getting Started
Install Yeoman, Bower, and JSHint
npm install -g yo bower jshint
Install Ruby
Install Compass, SASS, and SCSS_Lint
sudo gem install compass sass scss_lint
Install the BREI-App Generator
npm install -g generator-brei-app
Finally, initiate the generator:
yo brei-app
From here you will be presented with a series of options:
What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Create a New Project
Create a Partial
Create a Module
Create a Template
Import a Pattern
Update Your Project
Just follow the prompts and off you go!
All Sub-Generators install the properly formatted .hbs and .scss file. All according to conventions. Woot.
Note: you can either run yo brei-app
and select the desired sub generator task, or you can use the following commands to do it manually.
Create a new Project:
yo brei-app:new
Create a new Template:
yo brei-app:template
Create a new Module
yo brei-app:module
Create a new Partial
yo brei-app:partial
npm install -g jshint
To Test:
npm test