Mediacurrent D8 Theme Generator
Yeoman generator for Drupal Themes - lets you quickly set up a Drupal 8 theme with sensible defaults and best practices.
What's New
Read the ⚡️ Changelog!
While the mc-d8-theme generator can be run anywhere, it's happiest when it's run from an empty directory you'd like to become your theme.
1. Use NVM to install the latest stable version of NodeJS and create an .nvmrc
nvm install stable | grep -ohe 'v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | head -1 > .nvmrc && nvm use
2. Install yo
and generator-mc-d8-theme
(Because the generator-mc-d8-theme
generator doesn't exist on NPM we install it from this repo.)
npm install -g yo generator-mc-d8-theme
3. Run yo mc-d8-theme
yo mc-d8-theme
To see which generators and subgenerators you have, run yo --help
Update the generator as needed.
npm update -g generator-mc-d8-theme
The mc-d8-theme
generator makes use of several subgenerators. Each of these can be called individually.
Available generators:
Main generator
Sets up a new theme, generating all the boilerplate you need to get started. The app generator also adds normalize and sample components.
yo mc-d8-theme
Generates component boiler plate based on whatever name you pass it. Please delete whatever you don't need. If you haven't modified it, you don't need it.
yo mc-d8-theme:component 'Site Logo'
This would generate the following files:
- components/site-logo/site-logo.scss
- components/site-logo/site-logo.json
- components/site-logo/site-logo.twig
JS Behavior
Generates a Drupal JS behavior based on whatever component file name you pass it.
yo mc-d8-theme:js-behavior 'site-logo'
By default this will put the new behavior in the components directory. For example if
the component name you passed it was site-logo
, it will generate a new behavior within:
The generated file is ES6 / ES2015 ready and can be compiled by the provided build tools.
KSS Style Guide
Generates a KSS Node style guide. You must pass it a name and a machine name for the theme if run independently of the main app. If run by itself this subgenerator has no way to modify your existing gulpfile.js
Instead it will provide code you can copy and paste into your gulpfile.js
for it to work correctly.
yo mc-d8-theme:kss-style-guide 'Super Sweet Theme' 'super_sweet_theme'
Use --help
to see all usage info.
yo mc-d8-theme:kss-style-guide --help
The New Theme
Sass & Gulp
Currently your new theme uses libSass and Gulp. While you can add whichever Gulp plugins you'd like, by default only the basics are provided.
- Gulp Sass
- Gulp Autoprefixer
- Browser Sync
- Source Maps
- Gulp Sass lint
- Gulp Eslint
- Gulp Babel
- Gulp imagemin
After you've got the Gulp file modified to your hearts content, shrinkwrap the dependencies so everyone uses the exact same node modules.
npm shrinkwrap --save-dev
There's a post install script that runs npm shrinkwrap --save-dev
so hopefully if someone adds a module and forgets to shrinkwrap it, it'll be added automatically.
Now running npm install
will download the node modules specified in the npm-shrinkwrap.json file.
Go Team
Provided by default are seven npm scripts that point to Gulp tasks. We run gulp through npm scripts so the build tools can change without the user ever knowing.
- Run the default build task (gulp in this instance) and everything in it.
This is the equivalent to running
on the command line with Gulp installed globally.
npm run build
- Compile Sass and JS.
npm run compile
- Watch files and run tasks when they change.
npm run watch
- Compress png and svg assets.
npm run compress
- Build the KSS Style guide.
npm run styleguide
- Lint Sass and JS files.
npm run lint
- Delete compiled Sass, JS and style guide files from the /dist directory.
npm run clean
Would you like to contribute? Want to make a few changes or fix a bug? COME ON OVER!
Clone down this repo:
git clone
Remove generator-mc-d8-theme
if you have previously installed it:
Tip: use npm ls -g -depth=0
to see what global node modules are installed.
npm uninstall generator-mc-d8-theme -g
From the generator root directory link your local generator files to npm:
npm link
Now whenever you run yo mc-d8-theme
it'll use your locally cloned mc-d8-theme generator. Any updates done to the generator can be tested in real time.
Break off a feature branch dive right in. After you've got something you'd like to add, push back to the repo and pull request against master.