create git branches with meaningful names by specifying a GitHub issue number

Issue Number: #6
<br> Issue Title: auto detect owner and repository
Executing ghib 6
in my project directory. to quickly create the following
branch and check it out: 6-auto-detect-owner-and-repository
Lets say I opened an issue titled: auto detect owner and repository. It got
assigned an issue number: 6. Now whenever I decide to start working on that
issue I'd like to be able to create a branch name for it quickly. Preferably
something that will quickly let me know what issue I'm working on and something
that will be meaningful.
I use this to make me more productive in my workflow.
npm install -g ghib
While you are in your project directory do the following and a branch will be
created for you (checkout master or whatever branch you need to first if
necessary, so the branch is created with the right parent).
ghib <githubIssueNumber>