Glightbox is a pure javascript lightbox. It can display images, iframes, inline content and videos with optional autoplay for youtube, vimeo and even self hosted videos.
- Small - only 9KB Gzipped
- Responsive - works with any screen size
- Gallery Support - Create multiple galleries
- Video Support - Youtube, Vimeo and self hosted videos with autoplay
- Inline content support - display any inline content
- Iframe support - need to embed an iframe? no problem
- Keyboard Navigation - esc, arrows keys, tab and enter is all you need
- Touch Navigation - mobile touch events
- Api - control the lightbox with the provided methods
Live Demo
You can check the live demo right here
$ npm install glightbox
$ yarn add glightbox
$ bower install glightbox
import GLightbox from 'glightbox'
Or manually download and link glightbox.min.js
in your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/glightbox.css">
<script src="dist/js/glightbox.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const lightbox = GLightbox({ ...options });
<a href="large.jpg" class="glightbox">
<img src="small.jpg" alt="image">
<a href="" class="glightbox2">
<img src="small.jpg" alt="image">
<a href="large.jpg" class="glightbox3" data-gallery="gallery1">
<img src="small.jpg" alt="image">
<a href="video.mp4" class="glightbox3" data-gallery="gallery1">
<img src="small.jpg" alt="image">
<a href="large.jpg" class="glightbox4" data-glightbox="title: My title; description: this is the slide desciption">
<img src="small.jpg" alt="image">
<a href="large.jpg" class="glightbox5" data-glightbox="title: My title">
<img src="small.jpg" alt="image">
<div class="glightbox-desc">
<p>Here you can set a more advanced description</p>
<p>With any kind of html</p>
Slide Options
You can specify some options to each individual slide, the available options are:
- title
- description
- descPosition
- type
- effect
- width
- height
<a href="large.jpg" data-glightbox="title: Your title; description: desciption here; descPosition: left; type: image; effect: fade; width: 900px; height: auto;"></a>
<a href="large.jpg" data-title="My title" data-description="desciption here" data-descPosition="right" data-type="image" data-effect="fade" data-width="900px" data-height="auto"></a>
Lightbox Options
Example use of the options.
const lightbox = GLightbox({
touchNavigation: true,
loopAtEnd: true,
autoplayVideos: true,
onOpen: () => {
console.log('Lightbox opened')
beforeSlideLoad: (slide, data) => {
const myGallery = GLightbox({
elements: [
'href': '',
'type': 'image',
'title': 'My Title',
'description': 'Example',
'href': '',
'type': 'image'
'href': '',
'type': 'video',
'source': 'youtube',
'width': 900,
autoplayVideos: true,
Option | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string | glightbox | Class name of the elements. |
elements | array | null | Instead of passing a selector you can pass all the items that you want in the gallery. |
skin | string | clean | Name of the skin, it will add a class to the lightbox so you can style it with css. |
openEffect | string | zoomIn | Name of the effect on lightbox open. (zoom, fade, none) |
closeEffect | string | zoomOut | Name of the effect on lightbox close. (zoom, fade, none) |
slideEffect | string | slide | Name of the effect on slide change. (slide, fade, zoom, none) |
moreText | string | See more | More text for descriptions on mobile devices. |
moreLength | number | 60 | Number of characters to display on the description before adding the moreText link (only for mobiles), if 0 it will display the entire description. |
closeButton | boolean | true | Show or hide the close button. |
touchNavigation | boolean | true | Enable or disable the touch navigation (swipe). |
keyboardNavigation | boolean | true | Enable or disable the keyboard navigation. |
closeOnOutsideClick | boolean | true | Close the lightbox when clicking outside the active slide. |
startAt | number | 0 | Start lightbox at defined index. |
width | number | 900 | Default with for inline elements and iframes, you can define a specific size on each slide. |
height | number | 506 | Default height for inline elements and iframes, you can define a specific size on each slide. For inline elements you can set the height to auto. |
videosWidth | number | 960 | Default width for videos. Videos are responsive so height is not required. |
descPosition | string | bottom | Global position for slides description, you can define a specific position on each slide (bottom, top, left, right). |
loopAtEnd | boolean | false | Loop slide at end. |
autoplayVideos | boolean | true | Autoplay videos on open. |
plyr | object | {} | View video player options. |
Option | Description |
onOpen | Provide a function when the lightbox is opened for the first time. |
onClose | Provide a function when the lightbox is closed. |
beforeSlideChange | Trigger a function before the slide is changed beforeSlideChange: function(prevSlide, slide) {} |
afterSlideChange | Trigger a function after the slide is changed afterSlideChange: function(prevSlide, activeSlide) {} |
beforeSlideLoad | Trigger a function before a slide is loaded for the first time, the function will only be called once. beforeSlideLoad: function(slide, data) {} |
afterSlideLoad | Trigger a function after a slide is loaded for the first time, the function will only be called once. afterSlideLoad: function(slide, data) {} |
Video player
Starting from version 2.0.3 glightbox droped support of JWPlayer because that player implemented new restrictions for the free edition, it was replaced with an awesome new player "Plyr" that also includes support for youtube and vimeo. So instead of mainating 3 different apis now we only can focus on one. You can pass any Plyr option to the player, view all available options here Plyr options.
Please note that GLightbox will only inject the video player library if required and only when the lightbox is opened.
const lightbox = GLightbox({
plyr: {
css: '',
js: '',
config: {
muted: false,
hideControls: true,
youtube: {
noCookie: true,
rel: 0,
showinfo: 0,
iv_load_policy: 3
vimeo: {
byline: false,
portrait: false,
title: false,
speed: true,
transparent: false
There are methods, setters and getters on a GLightbox object. The easiest way to access the GLightbox object is to set the return value from your call to a variable. For example:
const lightbox = GLightbox({...options});
Example method use:
Option | Parameters | Description |
open | node | Open the lightbox, you can optionally pass a node. |
close | - | Close the lightbox. |
reload | - | Reload the lightbox, after inserting content with ajax. |
destroy | - | Destroy and remove all attached events. |
prevSlide | - | Go to the previous slide. |
nextSlide | - | Go to the next slide. |
goToSlide | number | Index of the slide. |
getActiveSlide | - | Get active slide. It will return the active node. |
getActiveSlideIndex | - | Get active slide. It will return the active slide index. |
playSlideVideo | number | Play video in the specified slide. |
stopSlideVideo | number | Stop video in the specified slide. |
setElements | {} | Update the lightbox gallery elements. |
'href': '',
'type': 'image'
'href': '',
'type': 'video',
'source': 'youtube',
'width': 900,
Browser Support
GLightbox was tested in the following browsers.
- Safari
- Mobile Safari
- Opera
- Edge
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer 11
It will work in any browser that supports css Flexbox
Just run the following commands and that's it. make sure to modify the files inside the src folder, they will be automatically processed and copied to the dist folder.
$ npm install
$ npm run watch
Feel free to report any issues! If you wish to contribute by fixing a bug or implementing a new feature, please first read the CONTRIBUTING guide.
- Fixed StartAt not taking specified index
- Removed JWPlayer because that player implemented some restrictions unless you pay for a license
- Improved mobile touch events, swipe, move, zoom, etc.
- Changed: Youtube now by default uses, you can enable cookies in the config with youtube.nocookie to false
- New: Plyr player, we have changed to this player so that wey only one api is managed instead of 3
- New: Added tabindex accesibility to loop the controls with the tab key
- New: Inside inline content you can close the lightbox by adding the class gtrigger-close to any element
- Removed option videosHeight. The height is automatic depending the video width and ratio.
- Removed Gulp and replaced for pure nodejs scripts
- Improved documentation
- Fixed Mobile navigation
- Fixed slide width for external sources
- Fixed youtube, vimeo autoplay when changing slides
- Fixed lightbox won't fit screen with description
- Fixed Removed global body variable that was causing some problems
- New: Delegated permissions to cross-origin iframes (for the new browsers autoplay restrictions)
- Added svg to source types so it can be displayed as an image @tuomassalo
- Added contributing file
- Updated dependencies @tuomassalo.
- Removed demo folder from npm
- New: You can define each slide option in a different data attribute (data-title="example" data-description="...")
- Fixed youtube and vimeo autoplay when opened for the first time
- Fixed global slide params not working
- Fixed some issues on IE11
- Fixed using characters : or ; in slide description
- New: Added reload method, useful when injecting content with ajax, cloning nodes, etc.
- Fixed closeButton setting not removing the element
- Fixed video not displayed on mobile devices
- New: Now you can set individual width and height for each slide with inlines or iframes.
- New: Now you can set individual source types for each slide ('type': 'image' | 'iframe' | 'video' | 'inline' | 'external).
- New: Published on npm
- New: Published on bower
- Fixed afterSlideLoad only triggered one time for all the slides
- Fixed a small space between the image and description when is set to top or bottom
- New: Added none as a new option to disable open, close and slide animations
- New: Added new options (touchNavigation, keyboardNavigation, closeOnOutsideClick) to enable or disable user interaction
- Fixed open and close effect not taking a custom animation
- Fixed an error when calling the destroy method and no videos were present in the slider
- Improved the open method so it can be called without duplicating the structure and events
- New: The original node is passed to events like beforeSlideChange, afterSlideChange, etc.
- New: Added option moreLength to control the number of characters in the description for mobile devices
- Fixed instance not returned and unable to call public methods
- Fixed large images not displayed correctly
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details