Glob rewriter
Rewrites paths, using two globs as patterns.
Replaces a mandatory placeholder in the target expression with the provided value. The mandatory placeholder is <LOCALE>
Depends on a specific version of glob-to-regexp module, until the fix from https://github.com/fitzgen/glob-to-regexp/pull/11 is released.
$ npm install glob-rewriter --save
var rewriter = require('glob-rewriter');
var source = 'somefolder/**/*.js';
var target = 'some_other_folder/**/<LOCALE>/*.js';
var locale = 'ja_JP';
var path = 'somefolder/a/b/c/d/test.js';
rewriter.validate(path, locale, source, target);
var rewritten = rewriter.rewrite(path, locale, source, target);
Unit tests
$ npm test