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GlueStick is a command line interface for quickly developing universal web
applications using React.
GlueStick allows users to quickly create new applications with its bootstrap
generator, along with generators for components, containers, and reducers. In
addition, GlueStick contains a fully functional test environment, server-side
rendering, and an asset bundler. However, GlueStick sidesteps the hassle of any
configuration files.
The goal is not to be another boilerplate for building universal web
applications. Instead, the goal is to abstract all of the boilerplate code into
one location that the developer doesn't have to worry about. Not only does this
make your application code cleaner but it makes it easier to update the
boilerplate code as new improvements are discovered.
Currently it is still very experimental and is likely
to change frequently.
GlueStick works best with v5+ of node but some people have had success running
it under v4. Versions prior to 4 are not currently supported.
sudo npm install gluestick -g
Getting Started
You can view a complete getting started guide on our blog
GlueStick comes with several generators to help you get started. To create a
new GlueStick project, run the following command:
gluestick new newapp
This will create the boilerplate code needed for a GlueStick application as
well as install all of the initial npm dependencies.
Change directories into your projects folder and start your app and tests with:
gluestick start
To help speed up development, GlueStick includes generators for common types of
Container Generator
The container generator will create a basic React component in the containers folder that is
already hooked up to redux using the @connect
gluestick generate container MyContainer
Component Generator
The component generator will create a basic React component and a starting test
file for that component.
gluestick generate component MyComponent
Reducer Generator
The reducer generator will create a new base redux reducer for you and
automatically export it from the reducers/index.js
gluestick generate reducer todos
GlueStick sets up a testing environment using Karma, Mocha, Chai and Sinon.
React's TestUtils are also available globally in your test files. You simply
need to create files in the test
folder with the extension .test.js and they
will be executed through the test runner.
The preferred way to style components in the GlueStick environment is to use
To prepare a component for using Radium, simply use the @Radium decorator above
your component class. When styling with Radium, your style updates will be hot
loaded in development mode so you do not need to refresh the browser to see
your changes. Please read the Radium docs for more information on how to use
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
If you want to include a base stylesheet (like bootstrap css), you can import
you stylesheet at the top of any file and it will be included when the page
loads. We do not currently support hot loading for these styles but they should
show up on a page refresh. You can use plain css or sass.
Edit /Index.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "assets/css/my-custom-css.css";
The code above will automatically extract the css from the referenced file and
include it in a base css file that is included on new page loads. References to
images and font files will automatically be handled as well.
If you would like to see better css support, please submit a pull request :)
Hot Loading
GlueStick's development environment utilizing hotloading so your changes will
show up in the browser as you go. This is sort of experimental but it works
great most of the time. However, sometimes you will still need to refresh the
browser for certain changes.
Deployment & Production
To run a gluestick application in production mode, simple set NODE_ENV
envrionment variable to production
For example: NODE_ENV=production gluestick start
GlueStick will serve assets for you in production mode but it is recommended
you serve assets from a Content Delivery Network. To do that, simply run
gluestick build
and it will generate a folder named build
in your project
root. This folder will contain all of the assets needed to run your app.
Finally, you need to update your application config file
(src/config/application.js) to define the asset path for production. You can hardcode the value or you can just use the ASSET_URL
environment variable to specify the base uri of your production assets.
Port Overriding
If you need to override the port in production, just set the environment variable PORT
to whatever you need it to be.