What is gonzales-pe?
The gonzales-pe npm package is a CSS parser that can parse CSS, SCSS, LESS, and other CSS-like syntaxes. It is useful for tasks such as linting, formatting, and transforming stylesheets.
What are gonzales-pe's main functionalities?
Parsing CSS
This feature allows you to parse CSS code into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The code sample demonstrates how to parse a simple CSS string and convert it into a JSON representation of the AST.
const gonzales = require('gonzales-pe');
const ast = gonzales.parse('.class { color: red; }', { syntax: 'css' });
Parsing SCSS
This feature allows you to parse SCSS code into an AST. The code sample shows how to parse a simple SCSS string and convert it into a JSON representation of the AST.
const gonzales = require('gonzales-pe');
const ast = gonzales.parse('.class { color: red; }', { syntax: 'scss' });
Parsing LESS
This feature allows you to parse LESS code into an AST. The code sample demonstrates how to parse a simple LESS string and convert it into a JSON representation of the AST.
const gonzales = require('gonzales-pe');
const ast = gonzales.parse('.class { color: red; }', { syntax: 'less' });
Transforming AST
This feature allows you to traverse and transform the AST. The code sample shows how to change the color property from 'red' to 'blue' in a CSS AST.
const gonzales = require('gonzales-pe');
let ast = gonzales.parse('.class { color: red; }', { syntax: 'css' });
ast.traverse(function(node) {
if (node.type === 'declaration' && node.content[0].content === 'color') {
node.content[1].content = 'blue';
Other packages similar to gonzales-pe
PostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins. It is more versatile and has a larger ecosystem of plugins compared to gonzales-pe. PostCSS can be used for linting, autoprefixing, and many other CSS transformations.
CSSTree is a tool for working with CSS, including parsing, generating, and analyzing CSS. It provides a more detailed and accurate AST compared to gonzales-pe and includes utilities for working with the AST.
Rework is a plugin framework for CSS preprocessing. It allows you to transform CSS with plugins, similar to PostCSS. Rework is simpler and less feature-rich compared to PostCSS but can be easier to use for basic transformations.
gonzales.parse(css, options)
Parse CSS.
{String} css
{{syntax: String, rule: String}} options
var css = 'a {color: tomato}';
var ast = gonzales.parse(css);
var less = 'a {$color: tomato}';
var ast = gonzales.parse(less, {syntax: 'less'});
var less = '$color: tomato';
var ast = gonzales.parse(less, {syntax: 'less', rule: 'declaration'});
Converts AST to code.
var css = ast.toCSS('css');
var less = ast.toCSS('less');
Calls the function for every node in a tree. Modifies the tree!
ast.map(function(node) {
if (node.type === 'commentML') node.content = 'panda';
To run tests:
npm test
This command will build library files from sources and run tests on all files
in syntax directories.
Every test has 3 files: source stylesheet, expected AST and expected string
compiled back from AST to css.
If some tests fail, you can find information in test logs:
contains all information from stdout;log/expected.txt
contains only expected text;log/result.txt
contains only result text.
The last two are made for your convenience: you can use any diff app to see
the defference between them.
If you want to test one specific string or get a general idea of how Gonzales
works, you can use test/ast.js
Simply change the first two strings (css
and syntax
vars) and run:
node test/single-test.js
If you find a bug or want to add a feature, welcome to Issues.
If you are shy but have a question, feel free to drop me a