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Utilities For GraphQL

  • 1.1.3
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Utilities for GraphQL

Extra Types

  • String, Int, Float, Boolean, ID
  • JSON
  • StringOrInt
  • Email
  • URL
  • DateTime
  • UUID
  • StringOriginal
  • IntID: this can be used where input is either an integer or a numeric string. value is casted as an integer.

String is automatically trimmed of whitespaces. If you want an untrimmed string use StringOriginal.



makeSchemasFromModules(modules, opts)

Create a graphQL schema from various modules. If the module is a folder, it'll automatically require it.

const modules = [

const {schemas} = makeSchemasFromModules(modules, {
	baseFolder: `${__dirname}/lib`,
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],
	allowUndefinedInResolve: false,
	resolverValidationOptions: {},

// schemas will be {default: GraphqlSchema, admin: GraphqlSchema, public: GraphqlSchema}

This function returns {schemas, pubsub}, you can ignore pubsub if you're not using graphql subscriptions.

Each module can either export {schema, resolvers} or the {schema} can contain resolvers in itself.

Concept of Schemas

makeSchemasFromModules, returns multiple graphql schemas. You have to list all possible schema names in the schema option. Each graphql schema will only contain the types/queries/mutations etc, that have listed that schema name in their schema option.

To be included in a particular schema, the following must be true:

  • The schema name is defined in the schema option
  • The schema name is also defined in the parent's schema option

eg. if a query returns a particular type, then it'll not be included in a schema the that type doesn't have the schema name in its schema option. In short, it works like intersection of schema options of parent and child.

In case of fields, args & values, if you haven't defined schema option, it'll be included in all schemas. So, generally speaking in case of args & values, only define schema when you want them to exclude from a particular schema and that schema is listed in its parent's schema.

Regardless of the schema option, a default schema named default contains all the types/fields.

Example Schema

const Employee = {
	graphql: 'type',
	fields: {
		id: 'ID!',
		smartprixId: 'ID',
		name: 'String',
		email: 'String',
		phone: 'String',
		createdAt: 'DateTime',
		updatedAt: 'DateTime',
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],
	relayConnection: true,

const getEmployee = {
	graphql: 'query',
	name: 'employee',
	type: 'Employee',
	args: {
		$default: ['id', 'email'],
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

const getEmployees = {
	graphql: 'query',
	name: 'employess',
	type: 'EmployeeConnection',
	args: {
		$default: ['name', '$paging'],
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

const saveEmployee = {
	graphql: 'mutation',
	args: {
		$default: ['id', 'name', 'email', 'phone'],
		smartprixId: {
			type: 'ID',
			default: 0,
			schema: ['admin'],
	schema: ['admin'],

const deleteEmployee = {
	graphql: 'mutation',
	args: {
		id: 'ID!',
	schema: ['admin'],

const employeeAdded = {
	graphql: 'subscription',
	type: 'Employee',

const employeeChanged = {
	graphql: 'subscription',
	type: 'Employee',
	args: {
		'id': 'ID!',

const resolvers = {
	Query: {
		employee: getEmployee,
		employees: getEmployees,

	Mutation: {

	// You can also declare Subscription
	// For Subscription Related Things
	// Every resolver can contain {subscribe, filter, resolve}
	// Only subscribe is required. Rest are optional.
	// subscribe: return an async iterator that will contain data to be returned to the client
	// filter: Filter events from pubsub async iterator
	// resolve: Modify event data before sending to client
	Subscription: {
		employeeAdded: {
			subscribe() {
				return pubsub.asyncIterator('employeeAdded');

			resolve(employee) {
				if (employee.password) employee.password = '******';
				return employee;

		employeeChanged: {
			subscribe() {
				return pubsub.asyncIterator('employeeChanged');

			filter(employee, args) {
				return ===;

			resolve(employee) {
				if (employee.password) employee.password = '******';
				return employee;

export {
	schema: {

Language Reference

graphql option reference

  • type: for object type
  • input: for input object type
  • union: for union
  • interface: for interface
  • enum: for enum
  • scalar: for scalars
  • query: for root query
  • mutation: for root mutation
  • subscription: for root subscription


Defined with graphql: type

const Employee = {
	// graphql = type means it's a graphql type
	graphql: 'type',

	// name (optional): name of the type
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {Employee}}
	name: 'Employee',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'An employee',

	// interfaces (optional): interfaces this type implements
	interfaces: ['Person'],

	// relayConnection (optional, default=false): generate a relay connection type automatically
	// if this is true, a connection type (EmployeeConnection here) will be added to the schema
	// relayConnection can also be an object with fields {edgeFields, fields}
	// edgeFields and fields will be merged with EmployeeEdge and EmployeeConnection respectively
	// eg. relayConnection: {
	//     edgeFields: {title: 'String!'},
	//     fields: {timeTaken: 'Int!'}
	// }
	relayConnection: true,

	// schema (required): schemas that this type is available in
	// if schema is not given, it won't be available in any schema
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// fields (required): fields of the type
	// see Fields definition for more details
	fields: {
		id: 'ID!',
		name: 'String',

Input Types

Defined with graphql: input

Its denition is mostly same as type.

const EmployeeInput = {
	// graphql = input means it's a graphql input type
	graphql: 'input',

	// name (optional): name of the input type
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {EmployeeInput}}
	name: 'EmployeeInput',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'An employee input',

	// schema (required): schemas that this input type is available in
	// if schema is not given, it won't be available in any schema
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// fields (required): fields of the input type
	// see Fields definition for more details
	fields: {
		id: 'ID!',
		name: 'String',


Defined with graphql: union

const User = {
	// graphql = union means it's a graphql union
	graphql: 'union',

	// name (optional): name of the union
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {User}}
	name: 'User',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'An employee or a guest',

	// schema (required): schemas that this union is available in
	// if schema is not given, it won't be available in any schema
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// types (required): types that this union contains
	types: ['Employee', 'Guest'],

	// resolveType (optional): function for determining which type is actually used when the value is resolved
	resolveType: (value, info) => 'Type',


Defined with graphql: interface

const Vehicle = {
	// graphql = interface means it's a graphql iterface
	graphql: 'interface',

	// name (optional): name of the interface
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {Vehicle}}
	name: 'Vehicle',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'A vehicle (can be a car or bike or bus etc)',

	// schema (required): schemas that this interface is available in
	// if schema is not given, it won't be available in any schema
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// fields (required): fields of the interface
	// see Fields definition for more details
	fields: {
		id: 'ID!',
		name: 'String',

	// resolveType (optional): function for determining which type is actually used when the value is resolved
	resolveType: (value, info) => 'Type',


Defined with graphql: enum

const Color = {
	// graphql = enum means it's a graphql enum
	graphql: 'enum',

	// name (optional): name of the enum
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {Vehicle}}
	name: 'Color',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'color you know C-O-L-O-R',

	// schema (required): schemas that this enum is available in
	// if schema is not given, it won't be available in any schema
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// values (required): enum values
	// see Field definition for more details
	values: {
		// both name and value are RED,
		RED: 'RED',
		// name is WHITE, value is white
		WHITE: 'white',
		// name is BLACK, value is 0
		BLACK: 0,
		// you can also define this as an object
		BLUE: {
			// value (optional): if value is not given, name is used as value
			value: 'blue',

			// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
			description: 'the best color obviously',

			// deprecationReason (optional): reason for deprecation
			deprecationReason: 'too much blue is happening',

			// schema (optional): schemas that this value is available in
			// if schema is not given, it will be available in its parent's schemas
			schema: ['admin'],

	// resolveType (optional): function for determining which type is actually used when the value is resolved
	resolveType: (value, info) => 'Type',


Defined with graphql: scalar

You need to give either resolve or serialize, parseValue, parseLiteral

const URL = {
	// graphql = scalar means it's a graphql scalar
	graphql: 'scalar',

	// name (optional): name of the scalar
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {URL}}
	name: 'URL',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'A url',

	// schema (required): schemas that this scalar is available in
	// if schema is not given, it won't be available in any schema
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// resolve (required/optional): Already defined graphql scalar you can resolve it with
	// if resolve is not given then, serialize, parseValue, parseLiteral must be given
	resolve: GraphQLURL

	// serialize (optional, default=identity function): send value to client
	serialize: (value) => serializedValue,

	// parseValue(optional, default=identity function): parse value coming from client
	parseValue: (value) => parsedValue,

	// parseLiteral (required/optional): parse ast tree built after value coming from client
	parseLiteral: (ast) => parsedValue,

Query / Mutation / Subscription

  • Defined as graphql: query => for Query
  • Defined as graphql: mutation => for Mutation
  • Defined as graphql: subscription => for Subscription
const getEmployees = {
	// graphql = query means it's a graphql query
	graphql: 'query',

	// name (optional): name of the query
	// if name is not given it'll be taken from the object where it is exported
	// eg. export {schema: {employees: getEmployees}}
	name: 'employees',

	// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
	description: 'Get employees',

	// type (required): type that this query returns
	type: 'EmployeeConnection',

	// schema (optional): schemas that this type is available in
	// if schema is not given, it will be available in its parent's schemas (Employee's)
	schema: ['admin', 'public'],

	// resolve (optional): resolver for this query
	// this can also be defined in resolvers
	resolve: (root, args, ctx, info) => {}

	// args (optional): arguments of the query
	// see Fields / Args definition for more details
	args: {
		$default: ['id', '$paging'],
		name: 'String',
		email: 'String',

Fields / Args

const Employee = {
	graphql: 'type',
	name: 'Employee',

	// fields
	fields: {
		// key is field's name, value is field's type
		id: 'ID!',

		// name is email, type is String
		email: 'String',

		// you can use ! for non null, and [] for list same as graphql
		emails: '[String!]',

		// you can also define it as an object
		teams: {
			// type (required): type of the field
			type: 'TeamConnection',

			// description (optional): description that'll displayed in docs
			description: 'teams that the employee belongs to',

			// default (optional): default value of the field
			default: 'yo',

			// schema (optional): schemas that this type is available in
			// if schema is not given, it will be available in its parent's schemas (Employee's)
			schema: ['admin'],

			// deprecationReason (optional): reason why this field was deprecated
			deprecationReason: 'teams are so old fashioned',

			// resolve (optional): resolver for this field
			// this can also be defined in resolvers
			resolve: (root, args, ctx, info) => {}

			// args (optional): arguments that this field takes
			// NOTE: args are defined as the same way fields are
			args: {
				// $default is special
				// fields defined in $default will be taken from parent's (TeamConnection's) fields
				// fields in $default will not have required condition even if mentioned in the type
				// to enforce required condition add `!` to the field's name
				// $paging is used for paging parameters (first, after, last, before)
				// $order is used for order parameters (orderBy & orderDirection)
				$default: ['id', 'phone!', '$paging', '$order'],

				// rest of the parameters are defined in same way as field definition
				search: 'String',
				status: {
					type: 'String',
					default: 'active',
					schema: ['admin'],

getConnectionResolver(query, args, options = {})

Given a query (xorm query) and its arguments, it'll automatically generate a resolver for a relay connection.

options can be {resolvers: { fields }} if you want to override default resolvers or specify any extra resolver.

async function getEmployees(root, args) {
	const query = Employee.query();
	if ( {
		query.where('name', 'like', `%${}%`);

	return getConnectionResolver(query, args);

async function getReviews(root, args) {
	const query = Review.query();
	if ( {
		query.where('name', 'like', `%${}%`);

	return getConnectionResolver(query, args, {
		resolvers: {
			totalCount: 0,
			edges: {
				format: (node, i, {offset}) => `${offset + i}. ${node.title}`,


Use this function to format the errors sent to the client, so that you can display them in a user friendly way.

It'll add fields to each error, which you can use to display errors on front end.

import {formatError} from 'gqutils';'/api', apolloKoa({
	schema: graphqlSchema,
	formatError: formatError,


Package last updated on 04 Sep 2018

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