gracenode-iap Module (in-app-purchase)
In-App-Purchase module for gracenode framework.
This is designed to function within gracenode framework.
In order for gracenode-iap module to work properly, you need to add gracenode-mysql module to your application.
Before you start using gracenode-iap
gracenode-iap module uses mysql database to store validation data, you will need to create the required table for the module.
To create the required mysql table, you will need to execute the following SQL queries:
If you need to execute the queries from Node.js application, you may do:
var gracenode = require('gracenode');
gracenode.setup(function (error) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
gracenode.getModuleSchema('gracenode-iap', function (error, sqlList) {
if (error) {
// hmm error
// execute the SQL queries in sqlList array here
How to include it in my project
To add this package as your gracenode module, add the following to your package.json:
"dependencies": {
"gracenode": "",
"gracenode-mysql": "",
"gracenode-iap": ""
To use this module in your application, add the following to your gracenode bootstrap code:
var gracenode = require('gracenode');
// this tells gracenode to load the module
// make sure you load gracenode-mysql module BEFORE gracenode-iap module
To access the module:
// the prefix gracenode- will be removed automatically
"modules": {
"gracenode-iap": {
"sql": "mysql module configuration name",
"googlePublicKeyPath": "path to google play public key files"
Production and Sandbox
gracenode-iap module automatically detects the target environments and sends the validation requests to the right end point.
Internally it sends validation to Apple in-app-purchase production server, and when it receives status 21007
, it will then retry sandbox.
gracenode-iap module automatically tries to validate each purchase with production key first and falls back to sandbox.
###API: validateApplePurchase
void validateApplePurchase(String receipt, Function cb)
Sends an HTTPS request to Apple to validate the given receipt and responds back an object { validateState: 'validated' or 'error', status: 'pending' or 'handled' or 'canceled' }
###API: validateGooglePurchase
void validateGooglePurchase(Object receipt, Function cb)
Validates the receipt with public key using open SSL
###API: isValidated
bool isValidated(Object validationResponse)
Returns true if the response of the purchase validation is validated.
gracenode.iap.validateApplePurchase(receipt, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
if (gracenode.iap.isValidated(response)) {
###API: updateStatus
void updateStatus(Mixed receipt, String status, Function cb)
Updates the status of the given receipt. the valid status are: pending, handled, canceled.
gracenode.iap.validateApplePurchase(receipt, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
if (gracenode.iap.isValidated(response)) {
var hc = gracenode.wallet.create('hc');
hc.addPaid(receipt, userId, itemPrice, itemValue,
function (continueCallback) {
gracenode.iap.updateStatus(receipt, 'handled', function (error) {
if (error) {
return continueCallback(error);
function (error) {
if (error) {