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A GraphQL client for React using modern context and hooks APIs that is lightweight (< 2.5 KB size limited) but powerful; the first Relay and Apollo alternative with server side rendering.

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A GraphQL client for React using modern context and hooks APIs that is lightweight (< 2.5 KB size limited) but powerful; the first Relay and Apollo alternative with server side rendering.


Next.js setup

See the next-graphql-react setup instructions.

Vanilla React setup

To install graphql-react from npm run:

npm install graphql-react

Create a single GraphQL instance and use GraphQLProvider to provide it for your app.

For server side rendering see ssr().


Use the useGraphQL React hook in your components to make queries and mutations, or use the GraphQL instance method operate directly.


Here is a basic example that displays a Pokemon image, with tips commented:

import { GraphQL, GraphQLProvider, useGraphQL } from 'graphql-react'

// Zero config GraphQL client that manages the cache.
const graphql = new GraphQL()

const PokemonImage = ({ name }) => {
  // The useGraphQL hook can be used just the same for queries or mutations.
  const { loading, cacheValue = {} } = useGraphQL({
    // Any GraphQL API can be queried in components, where fetch options for
    // the URL, auth headers, etc. are specified. To avoid repetition it’s a
    // good idea to import the fetch options override functions for the APIs
    // your app uses from a central module. The default fetch options received
    // by the override function are tailored to the operation; typically the
    // body is JSON but if there are files in the variables it will be a
    // FormData instance for a GraphQL multipart request.
    fetchOptionsOverride(options) {
      options.url = ''

    // The operation typically contains `query` and sometimes `variables`, but
    // additional properties can be used; all are JSON encoded and sent to the
    // GraphQL server in the fetch request body.
    operation: {
      query: `{ pokemon(name: "${name}") { image } }`

    // Load the query whenever the component mounts. This is desirable for
    // queries to display content, but not for on demand situations like
    // pagination view more buttons or forms that submit mutations.
    loadOnMount: true,

    // Reload the query whenever a global cache reload is signaled.
    loadOnReload: true,

    // Reload the query whenever the global cache is reset. Resets immediately
    // delete the cache and are mostly only used when logging out the user.
    loadOnReset: true

  return ? (
    <img src={} alt={name} />
  ) : loading ? (
    // Data is often reloaded, so don’t assume loading indicates no data.
  ) : (
    // Detailed error info is available in the `cacheValue` properties
    // `fetchError`, `httpError`, `parseError` and `graphQLErrors`. A combination
    // of errors is possible, and an error doesn’t necessarily mean data is
    // unavailable.

const App = () => (
  <GraphQLProvider graphql={graphql}>
    <PokemonImage name="pikachu" />


Consider polyfilling:


Table of contents

class GraphQL

A lightweight GraphQL client that caches queries and mutations.

optionsobject? = {}Options.
options.cacheGraphQLCache? = {}Cache to import; usually from a server side render.

Construct a GraphQL client.

import { GraphQL } from 'graphql-react'

const graphql = new GraphQL()
GraphQL instance method off

Removes an event listener.

typestringEvent type.
handlerFunctionEvent handler.
GraphQL instance method on

Adds an event listener.

typestringEvent type.
handlerFunctionEvent handler.
GraphQL instance method operate

Loads or reuses an already loading GraphQL operation in GraphQL operations. Emits a GraphQL instance fetch event if an already loading operation isn’t reused, and a cache event once it’s loaded into the GraphQL cache.

options.operationGraphQLOperationGraphQL operation.
options.fetchOptionsOverrideGraphQLFetchOptionsOverride?Overrides default GraphQL operation fetch options.
options.reloadOnLoadboolean? = falseShould a GraphQL reload happen after the operation loads, excluding the loaded operation cache.
options.resetOnLoadboolean? = falseShould a GraphQL reset happen after the operation loads, excluding the loaded operation cache.

Returns: GraphQLOperationLoading — Loading GraphQL operation details.

GraphQL instance method reload

Signals that GraphQL cache subscribers such as the useGraphQL React hook should reload their GraphQL operation. Emits a GraphQL instance reload event.

exceptCacheKeyGraphQLCacheKey?A GraphQL cache key for cache to exempt from reloading.

Reloading the GraphQL cache.

GraphQL instance method reset

Resets the GraphQL cache, useful when a user logs out. Emits a GraphQL instance reset event.

exceptCacheKeyGraphQLCacheKey?A GraphQL cache key for cache to exempt from deletion. Useful for resetting cache after a mutation, preserving the mutation cache.

Resetting the GraphQL cache.

GraphQL instance property cache

Cache of loaded GraphQL operations. You probably don’t need to interact with this unless you’re implementing a server side rendering framework.

Type: GraphQLCache


Export cache as JSON.

const exportedCache = JSON.stringify(graphql.cache)

Example cache JSON.

  "a1bCd2": {
    "data": {
      "viewer": {
        "name": "Jayden Seric"
GraphQL instance property operations

A map of loading GraphQL operations. You probably don’t need to interact with this unless you’re implementing a server side rendering framework.

Type: object<GraphQLCacheKey, Promise<GraphQLCacheValue>>

function GraphQLProvider

A React component that provides a GraphQL instance for an app.

propsobjectComponent props.
props.graphqlGraphQLGraphQL instance.
props.childrenReactNode?React children.

Returns: ReactNode — React virtual DOM node.


Provide a GraphQL instance for an app.

import { GraphQL, GraphQLProvider } from 'graphql-react'

const graphql = new GraphQL()

const App = ({ children }) => (
  <GraphQLProvider graphql={graphql}>{children}</GraphQLProvider>

function reportCacheErrors

A GraphQL cache event handler that reports fetch, HTTP, parse and GraphQL errors via console.log(). In a browser environment the grouped error details are expandable.

dataobjectGraphQL cache event data.
data.cacheKeyGraphQLCacheKeyGraphQL cache key.
data.cacheValueGraphQLCacheKeyGraphQL cache value.

GraphQL initialized to report cache errors.

import { GraphQL, reportCacheErrors } from 'graphql-react'

const graphql = new GraphQL()
graphql.on('cache', reportCacheErrors)

function ssr

Asynchronously server side renders a React node, preloading all GraphQL queries set to loadOnMount. After resolving, cache can be exported from the GraphQL instance property cache for serialization (usually to JSON) and transport to the client for hydration via the GraphQL constructor parameter options.cache.

Be sure to globally polyfill fetch.

graphqlGraphQLGraphQL instance.
nodeReactNodeReact virtual DOM node.
renderFunction? = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkupSynchronous React server side render function, defaulting to ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup as it is more efficient than ReactDOMServer.renderToString.

Returns: Promise<string> — Promise resolving the rendered HTML string.


SSR function that resolves a HTML string and cache JSON for client hydration.

import { GraphQL, GraphQLProvider } from 'graphql-react'
import { ssr } from 'graphql-react/server'
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import { App } from './components'

async function render() {
  const graphql = new GraphQL()
  const page = (
    <GraphQLProvider graphql={graphql}>
      <App />
  const html = await ssr(graphql, page, ReactDOMServer.renderToString)
  const cache = JSON.stringify(graphql.cache)
  return { html, cache }

SSR function that resolves a HTML string suitable for a static page.

import { GraphQL, GraphQLProvider } from 'graphql-react'
import { ssr } from 'graphql-react/server'
import { App } from './components'

function render() {
  const graphql = new GraphQL()
  const page = (
    <GraphQLProvider graphql={graphql}>
      <App />
  return ssr(graphql, page)

function useGraphQL

A React hook to manage a GraphQL operation in a component.

options.fetchOptionsOverrideGraphQLFetchOptionsOverride?Overrides default fetch options for the GraphQL operation.
options.loadOnMountboolean? = falseShould the operation load when the component mounts.
options.loadOnReloadboolean? = falseShould the operation load when the GraphQL reload event fires and there is a GraphQL cache value to reload, but only if the operation was not the one that caused the reload.
options.loadOnResetboolean? = falseShould the operation load when the GraphQL reset event fires and the GraphQL cache value is deleted, but only if the operation was not the one that caused the reset.
options.reloadOnLoadboolean? = falseShould a GraphQL reload happen after the operation loads, excluding the loaded operation cache.
options.resetOnLoadboolean? = falseShould a GraphQL reset happen after the operation loads, excluding the loaded operation cache.
options.operationGraphQLOperationGraphQL operation.

Returns: GraphQLOperationStatus — GraphQL operation status.


A component that displays a Pokémon image.

import { useGraphQL } from 'graphql-react'

const PokemonImage = ({ name }) => {
  const { loading, cacheValue = {} } = useGraphQL({
    fetchOptionsOverride(options) {
      options.url = ''
    operation: {
      query: `{ pokemon(name: "${name}") { image } }`
    loadOnMount: true,
    loadOnReload: true,
    loadOnReset: true

  return ? (
    <img src={} alt={name} />
  ) : loading ? (
  ) : (

Options guide for common situations.

Profile query✔️✔️✔️
Login mutation✔️
Logout mutation✔️
Change password mutation
Change name mutation✔️
Like a post mutation✔️

constant GraphQLContext

React context object for a GraphQL instance.

Type: object

ProviderFunctionReact context provider component.
ConsumerFunctionReact context consumer component.

A button component that resets the GraphQL cache.

import React from 'react'
import { GraphQLContext } from 'graphql-react'

const ResetCacheButton = () => {
  const graphql = React.useContext(GraphQLContext)
  return <button onClick={graphql.reset}>Reset cache</button>

type GraphQLCache

A GraphQL cache map of GraphQL operation results.

Type: object<GraphQLCacheKeyGraphQLCacheValue>


type GraphQLCacheKey

A GraphQL cache key, derived from a hash of the fetch options of the GraphQL operation that populated the value.

Type: string

type GraphQLCacheValue

JSON serializable GraphQL operation result that includes errors and data.

Type: object

fetchErrorstring?fetch error message.
httpErrorHttpError?fetch response HTTP error.
parseErrorstring?Parse error message.
graphQLErrorsArray<object>?GraphQL response errors.
dataobject?GraphQL response data.

type GraphQLFetchOptions

GraphQL API URL and polyfillable fetch options. The url property gets extracted and the rest are used as fetch options.

Type: object

urlstringGraphQL API URL.
bodystring | FormDataHTTP request body.
headersobjectHTTP request headers.
credentialsstring?Authentication credentials mode.

type GraphQLFetchOptionsOverride

Overrides default GraphQL fetch options. Mutate the provided options object; there is no need to return it.

Type: Function

optionsGraphQLFetchOptionsGraphQL fetch options tailored to the GraphQL operation, e.g. if there are files to upload options.body will be a FormData instance conforming to the GraphQL multipart request spec.

Setting GraphQL fetch options for an imaginary API.

options => {
  options.url = ''
  options.credentials = 'include'

type GraphQLOperation

A GraphQL operation. Additional properties may be used; all are sent to the GraphQL server.

Type: object

querystringGraphQL queries/mutations.
variablesobjectVariables used in the query.

type GraphQLOperationLoading

A loading GraphQL operation.

Type: object

cacheKeyGraphQLCacheKeyGraphQL cache key.
cacheValueGraphQLCacheValue?GraphQL cache value from the last identical query.
cacheValuePromisePromise<GraphQLCacheValue>Resolves the loaded GraphQL cache value.

type GraphQLOperationStatus

The status of a GraphQL operation.

Type: object

loadFunctionLoads the GraphQL operation on demand, updating the GraphQL cache.
loadingbooleanIs the GraphQL operation loading.
cacheKeyGraphQLCacheKeyGraphQL cache key.
cacheValueGraphQLCacheValueGraphQL cache value.

type HttpError

fetch HTTP error.

Type: object

statusnumberHTTP status code.
statusTextstringHTTP status text.

type ReactNode

A React virtual DOM node; anything that can be rendered.

Type: undefined | null | boolean | number | string | React.Element | Array<ReactNode>

Apollo comparison

Bundle impact


A < 2.5 KB bundle impact is guaranteed by Size Limit tests. The impact is smaller than the bundle size badge suggests as the internal object-assign dependency is shared with react.

DependencyInstall sizeBundle size
graphql-reactgraphql-react install sizegraphql-react minzipped size

Tree shaking bundlers will eliminate unused exports (perhaps reportCacheErrors).


Several dependencies must be installed for a minimal Apollo project.

DependencyInstall sizeBundle size
apollo-boostapollo-boost install sizeapollo-boost minzipped size
@apollo/react-hooks@apollo/react-hooks install size@apollo/react-hooks minzipped size
graphqlgraphql install sizegraphql minzipped size

Tree shaking bundlers will eliminate unused graphql exports.

In addition, fragment matcher config impacts bundle size relative to the number and complexity of schema unions and interfaces; see Cache strategy.

Native ESM


Supports native ESM via .mjs files for Node.js in --experimental-modules mode and tree shaking bundlers like webpack. For legacy environments CJS is provided via .js files.


No support for native ESM, although they do provide faux ESM via package module fields for tree shaking bundlers like webpack.

Writing queries


Uses template strings:

const QUERY = /* GraphQL */ `
    viewer {

The optional /* GraphQL */ comment signals the syntax for highlighters and linters.


Uses template strings tagged with gql from graphql-tag:

import gql from 'graphql-tag'

const QUERY = gql`
    viewer {

Cache strategy


The GraphQL client has no GraphQL API specific config; fetch options are determined on demand at the component level. Multiple GraphQL APIs can be queried!

GraphQL operations are cached under hashes of their fetch options. Multiple operations with the same hash share the same loading status and cache value.

fetch, HTTP, parse and GraphQL errors can be cached, and therefore server side rendered and transported to the client for hydration and initial render.


Apollo Client is configured for one GraphQL API per app.

GraphQL operation data is deconstructed based upon id and __typename fields into a “normalized” cache. These fields must be queried even if they aren’t used in components.

Errors aren’t cached, and therefore can’t be server side rendered and transported to the client for hydration and initial render.

Apollo Client must be configured with schema knowledge extracted at build time for a “fragment matcher” to cache fragments on unions and interfaces properly. It’s challenging to reconfigure and redeploy clients whenever the GraphQL schema updates. Also, the config increases the client bundle size; see Bundle impact.

Stale cache


By default, cache is refreshed for mounting components.

GraphQL operations can optionally refresh all cache except their own fresh cache; handy for mutations.


By default, cache isn’t refreshed for mounting components.

GraphQL mutations only update the cache with the contents of their payload. The prescribed approach is to try to manually update other normalized cache after mutations using complicated and often buggy APIs. Resetting all cache is possible, but it also wipes the result of the last operation.

File uploads


Out of the box file uploads compliant with the GraphQL multipart request spec (authored by @jaydenseric) which is supported by popular GraphQL servers including Apollo Server. File input values can be used as query or mutation arguments.


Supports file uploads if you drop apollo-boost and manually setup Apollo Client with apollo-upload-client (also by @jaydenseric).



Not supported yet.





Written in ECMAScript; no types are exported.


Written in TypeScript; types are exported.

Next.js integration


Has an official example using next-graphql-react, which provides easy an easy to install App decorator and plugin to enable server side rendered GraphQL queries.


Has an official example, but it consists of over 100 lines of complicated copy-paste boilerplate code across multiple files.



Package last updated on 03 Dec 2019

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