Render your nunjucks templates to static files
Getting started
If you haven't used Grunt before, check out the Getting Started guide.
Once you have installed the plugin via npm install --save-dev grunt-nunjuckr
include this in your Gruntfile.js
Type: Object
Default: undefined
The data that is passed to the template.
Type: String
Default: .html
The file extension for the output.
Type: String
Default: .
The path where the templates can be found.
Type: Object
Default: undefined
Configures nunjucks to render with different tags
Type: Object
Default: undefined
Makes it possible to generate pages with multiple content dimensions. E.g. language or timezone.
The current dimensions object is handed over as a third parameter in the preprocessData
function as well as the preprocessFilePath function.
Type: Function
Default: undefined
A callback function that sets up the nunjucks environment. The environment is passed as a parameter and it is expected to return it.
For more infomation about nunjucks environments see
Type: Function
Default: undefined
A preprocessor callback for the data coming in. Gets called on every file with the params data
and file
Changes in v0.1.0
: file
is no longer relative to searchPath
. It now is the full path to the current file.
A callback function for preprocessing the template path. Gets called for every file only with the parameter file
Usage Examples
Basic usage
Render a single input file to a single output file.
nunjuckr : {
testSimple : {
options : {
data : grunt.file.readJSON('data/data.json')
files : [
src : 'src/input.njs',
dest : 'dest/output.html'
Different data for every template
Load different data files for every file in the templates folder.
var path = require('path');
nunjuckr : {
testExtended : {
options : {
data : grunt.file.readJSON('test/extended/data/data.json'),
ext : '.html'
searchPaths : 'src',
preprocessData : function (data, file) {
var fileExt = path.extname(file);
var filename = path.basename(file, fileExt);
var jsonPath = path.join('test/extended/data/', filename + '.json');
data = grunt.file.readJSON(jsonPath);
return data;
files : [
src : 'src/**/*.njs',
dest : 'dest/'
Custom Environment
Set up a custom environment for the renderer.
nunjuckr : {
testExtended : {
options : {
data : grunt.file.readJSON('test/extended/data/data.json'),
ext : '.html',
searchPaths : 'test/extended/src',
setUp : function (env) {
env.addFilter('crop', function (str, count) {
return str.slice(0, count || 5);
return env;
files : [
src : 'test/extended/src/**/*.njs',
dest : 'test/extended/dest/'
Markdown parsing with default template
This example uses showdown as a markdown parser. You can preprocess your data as you prefer, e.g. when you are using RST.
var showdown = require('showdown');
var mdConverter = new showdown.Converter();
nunjuckr : {
testMarkdown : {
options : {
ext: '.html',
searchPaths : 'test/markdown/src',
preprocessData : function(data, file) {
var text =;
data = {
content: mdConverter.makeHtml(text)
return data;
preprocessFilePath : function (fileName) {
return 'template.njs';
files : [
src : 'test/markdown/content/**/*.md',
dest : 'test/markdown/dest/'