Grunt plugin for Zetzer. More documentation in the
Zetzer repository.
After installing the module with npm, load the task with:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named zetzer
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
zetzer: {
options: {
your_target: {
All possible options are listed in the main Zetzer project.
Grunt's rules for defining target and destination
apply, but care needs to be taken to make sure each input page maps to
a single output file.
Custom Options
In this example, doT's it object is used to specify the location of
script files and the main title of all pages; and the location of
partials and templates is given. All pages in pages/
will be
compiled to .html
files in tmp
zetzer: {
main: {
options: {
env: {
title: "Zetzer",
partials: "content",
templates: "templates"
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: "src/pages/",
src: "**/*.html",
dest: "tmp",
ext: ".html",
flatten: true
You can run the test suite with npm test
Each new feature ough to have full test coverage. We usually start by
writing a fixture which is a pair of two files: the one to process
(the fixture) and it's expected output. Fixtures are html or md files
in spec/fixtures
. Any partials and templates required by this
fixture should be stored in spec/partials
and spec/templates
respectively. The expected output of a fixture should be put in
Actual features should be implemented in zetzer as this is just
Grunt "front-end".