Command line tool that will watch a handlebars template directory pre-compile containing handlebars template files and concatenate them
into a single javascript file in build/public.
The directory structure you use will namespace the templates with ['directory/template'] as with JST et all
npm install -g handlebar-rider
handlebar-rider path/to/your/handlebars/dir/
--out The destination file to compile your templates to. Default is public/javascript/templates.js
--readable This will avoid uglifying your output javascript.
Run-time usage example:
html_output = Handlebars.templates['users/view'](data)
Partial Support/Conventions:
There are two methods for using partials within your templates:
1. Global partials
If you a directory within your templates directory, aptly called "partials", the
handlebars files will be pre compile and become available in your templates as partial_name
2. Scoped partials
If you prefix your template file name with an underscore, you can can access it as directory_partial
Example directory structure:
-- users
- _list.hb
- _form.hb
- edit.hb
- view.hb
-- partials
- photo_uploader.hb
And usage:
<h1>Edit User</h1>
{{> users_list}}
{{> users_form}}
{{> photo_uploader}}