some simple functions for Node.js to help in normalizing requiring modules across platforms and when run from external scripts such as testing frameworks or npm.
Running "npm test" does not resolve '.' correctly on my windows x64 pc and I got tired of copying and pasting the boilerplate in this little module just to be able to require my submodules easily. This module is only (possibly) relevant if you care whether your tests run properly on Windows or not and want to save some minor repetitive effort.
npm install helpers
var h = require('helpers')(__dirname, exports);
suppose you have a directory structure like
- index.js
- myLib1.js
- myLib2.js
then the following examples could be taken from index.js:
require a module by name relative to the current module's directory
var myLib1 = h.sub('myLib1');
// myLib1 = whatever myLib1.js is exporting
export a module by name relative to the current module's directory
// exports.myLib1 = whatever myLib1.js is exporting
export the properties of a module within the current module
// basically the same as if you cut and paste myLib1.js into the current module
If the above is not clear take a look at the test.js file. It is short and easy to understand.
To run the tests you will need to have mocha installed, then just cd into the dir node-helpers is installed and type:
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