A static site generator that generates routes based on directories naturally.
# npm i -g hikaru-coffee
Example Dir Structure
|- srcs/ # source dir for user files
| |- images/
| |- css/
| |- js/
| |- index.md
| |- about/
| | |- index.md
| |- tags/
| | |- index.md
|- docs/ # source will be render to here
| |- images/
| | |- logo.png
| |- css/
| | |- index.css
| |- js/
| | |- index.js
| |- index.html
| |- index-2.html # page 2 of index
| |- index-3.html # page 3 of index
| |- about/
| | |- index.html
| |- tags/
| | |- index.html # layout: tags
| | |- tag-1/
| | | |- index.html # automatically generated, layout: tag
| | | |- index-2.html # page 2 of tag-1
|- themes/
| |- aria/
| | |- srcs/ # this will be render to docs/
| | | |- layout.njk # templates
| | | |- index.njk
| | | |- tags.njk
| | | |- tag.njk
| | | |- page.njk # if no layout specific, fallback to this
| | | |- css/
| | | | |- index.styl
| | | |- js/
| | | | |- index.js
| | | |- images/
| | | | |- logo.png
| |- README.md