Cached polling model.
Poll an API at a given interval and save the data to a data storoe such as redis. Multiple nodes can synchronise by sharing the redis instance and key.
const HmpoCachedModel = require('hmpo-cached-model');
let redisFactory = {
getClient() {
return redisInstance;
let model = new HmpoCachedModel(
{ // optional seed data
foo: 'bar',
boo: 'baz'
{ // options
url: '',
key: 'root-key',
store: redisFactory,
storeInterval: 1000,
apiInterval: 2000
// start polling
let data = model.get('data');
// stop polling
If the API returns an object, all keys are saved to the model, otherwise the data from the API is saved to the data
Extend and override parse()
to change the way the incomming data from the API is processed.
The deprecated request
library has been replaced with got
in hmpo-model
The new got
library doesn't automativally use the proxy environment variables so you would need to use something like global-agent
in your
app if you need to specify proxies by environment arguments.