Homebridge Exoy One
A simple Homebridge plugin for the Exoy One Light.
You can install the plugin either using the Homebridge Web UI or using the command line:
npm install -g homebridge-exoy
To use the plugin, it must be configured. This is a minimal working configuration:
"bridge": {
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"platform": "ExoyOneLights",
"name": "Exoy One Light",
Further settings are available to configure. This is a complete configuration:
"bridge": {
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"name": "Exoy One Lights",
"pollingRate": 1000,
"useIP": false,
"platform": "ExoyOneLights"
is the name of the plugin to appear in the log file. Defaults to Exoy One Lights
is the rate at which to poll the lights for changes in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000
enables the usage of IP addresses instead of hostnames to connect to the lights. Defaults to false
. Should only be turned on if you experience connection issues.
All settings can conveniently configured using the Homebridge Web UI.