A Node.js module for validating html using validator.nu
Supports the following modes from Validator.nu Web Service Interface
- Document URL as a GET parameter; the service retrieves the document by URL over HTTP or HTTPS.
- Document POSTed as the HTTP entity body; parameters in query string as with GET.
$ npm install html-validator
$ npm test
Create an options object.
format This is the formatting of the returned data and it is required. It supports json, html, xhtml, xml, gnu and text.
url The url to the page you want to validate.
var validator = require('html-validator')
, opts = {
url : 'http://url-to-validate.com',
format : 'json'
validator(opts, function(err, data){
if(err) throw err;
data The html you want to validate
var validator = require('html-validator')
, fs = require('fs')
, opts = {
format : 'json'
fs.readFile( 'file-to-validate.html', 'utf8', function( err, html ) {
if (err) throw err;
opts.data = html;
validator(opts, function(err, data){
if(err) throw err;