A Node.js fs style FileSystem API Wrapper
The reason I chose write this module was due to the availability of
FileSystem APIs in regular browsers and Cordova applications and the desire for
an API consitent with that of the fs module in Node.js.
I prefer the Node.js callback style system
when writing asynchronous code so this uses callbacks of the format
function (err, result).
It's also CommonJS / RequireJS friendly thanks to wrapped using Browserify.
I initially began this module as a fork of GapFile, but started from scratch
when I realised the two were radically different in style and aims.
Use a file from the dist directory or do an npm install:
npm install html5-fs
Example vs. Standard File System API
This wrapper makes for shorter more concise code vs. the plain FileSystem API.
It also has the added benefit of working with Node.js style libraries such as
async which means it'll cause less headcahes
when dealing with the asynchronous nature of the FileSystem API.
Here we use the plain old FileSystem API to create a folder and write a file
into that created folder.
function writeFile(success, fail) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory('/test/', {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, function(dirEntry) {
dirEntry.getFile('somefile.txt', {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, function(file) {
file.createWriter(function(writer) {
writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
writer.onerror = function(evt) {
writer.write(new Blob([data], {
type: 'text/plain'
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
The below code is equivalent to the previous code, but is using this wrapper
which means it's far more concise and instantly recognisable if you've used the
Node.js fs module:
var fs = require('html5-fs');
function writeFile(callback) {
fs.mkdir('test', function (err) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
fs.writeFile('test/somefile.txt', 'Hello world', callback);
You can then compose more aesthetically pleasing code using async:
var fs = require('html5-fs');
var async = require('async');
function writeFile(callback) {
function createDir(cb) {
fs.mkdir('test', cb);
function writeFile(cb) {
fs.writeFile('test/somefile.txt', 'Hello world', cb);
], callback);
Currently Cordova applications, Chrome and new versions of Opera support
this API.
This has only been tested on iOS and Android Cordova applications. It has also
only been tested with version 1.3.2 of the org.apache.cordova.file plugin.
If using a Cordova application this library assumes you've configured your
build with FileSystem access and the FileSystem plugin as described
First install all dependencies with npm install
Also make sure you have Grunt installed npm install -g grunt-cli
If you plan to test either iOS or Android you'll need to run
cordova add platorm [platform-name]
. I did this using the Cordova CLI
version 4.1.2.
If testing using the iOS Simulator you'll need to
npm install -g ios-sim
To test using Android you'll need an emulator configured.
Now run grunt test
. When the relevant browser(s) open allow
file system access via the popup that appears (this is standard) and the
tests will run.
To test Android run grunt test-android
and for iOS use
grunt test-ios
Building & Contributing
All contributions are welcome! This project only implements a small subset of
the Node.js FileSystem API. Naturally some functions may not be applicable or
possible to implement due to the browser environment but having as a close a
representation as possible to the original would be ideal.
To manage tests and builds Grunt is used. Running grunt test-[platform]
will browserify the files in the /src directory into a single bundle with
source maps enabled and then execute the tests using Karma or the applicable
device emulator.
For production builds run grunt build
. This command will browserify the
source and write it to the /dist directory. It will also create a minified
All callbacks in this API follow the standard Node.js convention taking two
parameters. An error followed by a result.
Errors returned do not match Node.js File System errors, if someone feels like
mapping these be my guest, but it might be best to leave them as is!
fs.init(desiredBytes, callback)
Request access for a specific number of bytes. Users need to accept this
request, usually via a popup in the browser. Cordova applications don't require
users to accept any popups.
Callback format should be as
NOTE: for iOS and Android Cordova/PhoneGap applications the
desiredBytes parameter is ignored as they expect a value of 0.
fs.init(5 * 1024 * 1024, function(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
fs.writeFile(filename, data, callback)
Write data to a file specified by filename. data should be a string.
fs.appendFile(fullpath, data, callback)
Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it doesn't exist.
fs.readFile(filename, [options], callback)
Read data from a file. options is an object that supports an encoding key
that can have a value of "base64" or "utf8". By default "utf8" is assumed.
fs.unlink(path, callback)
Delete a file.
fs.readdir(dirname, callback)
Get a list of the files in a directory as an Array. Entries are instances of
DirectoryEntry and have an isFile property that can be used to differentiate
folders and files.
fs.mkdir(dirName, callback)
Create a directory. Currently this doesn't support creating a nested directory
unless the parent already exists. In other words to create dir/subdir you'd
need to first create dir then in a second call create subdir. This is the
same behaviour as the Node.js fs module.
fs.rmdir(dirName, callback)
Delete a directory.
fs.exists(path, callback)
Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system.
Works just like the
standard Node.js API
meaning no error is passed to the callback.
fs.stat(path, callback)
Get metadata related to a file or directory. If the provided path doesn't end
with a / character a file lookup is assumed. Result looks as follows:
"size": 13,
"modificationTime": "2014-04-26T17:01:11.000Z"