hubot kafka restart broker <number> - restarts a Kafka broker
hubot kafka status kafka - gets the status of the Kafka brokers
hubot kafka status zookeeper - gets the status of the ZooKeeper nodes
hubot kafka logs kafka <number> - gets the logs for a Kafka broker
hubot kafka events - get events from pods in the Kafka cluster
hubot kafka get config - get the Kafka cluster config
hubot kafka get config <config> - get the details of a Kafka cluster config value
hubot kafka set config <config> - modify a Kafka cluster config value
hubot kafka impact - explain impact of restarting each broker
hubot kafka topics - display info about all topic partitions
hubot kafka move <topicname> to broker <brokernum> - move a single-partition, 1-replica topic to a different broker
hubot kafka move partition <partitionnum> of <topicname> to broker <brokernum> - move a specific partition of a 1-replica topic to a different broker
hubot kafka move partition <partitionnum> of <topicname> to broker <brokernum> with replicas on broker <brokernum> and broker <brokernum> - move a specific partition of a topic and its replicas
hubot kafka show me memory - show the memory usage of the Kafka brokers
hubot kafka show me cpu - show the CPU usage of the Kafka brokers
hubot kafka show me disk - show the disk space available to Kafka brokers
hubot kafka show me network - show the network usage by Kafka brokers
hubot kafka show me messagesin - show the number of Kafka messages per second
hubot kafka config - show all hubot config
hubot kafka cluster ns - ask the namespace where the Kafka cluster is running
hubot kafka cluster ns <namespace> - set the namespace where the Kafka cluster is running
hubot kafka cluster name - ask the name of the Kafka cluster
hubot kafka cluster name <cluster> - set the name of the Kafka cluster
hubot kafka cluster bootstrap - ask the bootstrap address of the Kafka cluster
hubot kafka cluster bootstrap <bootstrap> - set the bootstrap address of the Kafka cluster
hubot kafka cluster openshift - ask the URL being used in OpenShift urls
hubot kafka cluster openshift <url> - set the URL to use in generated OpenShift links
hubot kafka grafana host - ask the URL for Grafana
hubot kafka grafana host <url> - set the URL to use for Grafana
hubot kafka grafana org - ask the org id for Grafana
hubot kafka grafana org <url> - set the org id to use for Grafana
hubot kafka grafana apikey - ask the API key for Grafana
hubot kafka grafana apikey <key> - set the API key for Grafana