Ask your hubot for the current daily steamdeal.
Run the following command:
$ npm install hubot-steamdeal
Then make sure the dependencies are installed:
$ npm install
You may also want to consider running the first command with the --save
option to add it to your package.json so you don't have to install it manually every time.
Your hubot will listen to the following commands:
This is the basic functionality. Inform you about the current daily deal.
hubot steamdeal me
hubot> <link to image here>
hubot> Instead of 14.99€ you get Windward for 4.94€! That's -67%!
hubot> <link to the game here>
The full functionality: The above functionality and the description of the game is shown (it may be very long keep that in mind).
hubot steamdeal full
hubot> <link to image here>
hubot> Instead of 14.99€ you get Windward for 4.94€! That's -67%!
hubot> <description of the game here>
hubot> <link to the game here>