Gateway between a Philips Hue bridge and MQTT
Because hue2mqtt sadly isn't developed anymore and I don't like Java I decided to
reimplement this on Node.js. hue2mqtt.js should work as an 1:1 drop-in-replacement for hue2mqtt. Differences to the
original hue2mqtt are:
- Option
. When activated hue2mqtt.js publishes every datapoint on it's own topic (like e.g
) --publish-distinct
also publishes a rgb value that is useful to visualize a lamps color on e.g. a web ui.
Getting started
Prerequisites: Node.js >= 6.0
sudo npm install -g hue2mqtt
dersimn created a
dockerized version of hue2mqtt.js.
Usage: hue2mqtt [options]
-v, --verbosity possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "debug"
[default: "info"]
-n, --name instance name. used as mqtt client id and as topic
prefix [default: "hue"]
-m, --mqtt-url mqtt broker url. default: "mqtt://"]
-b, --bridge hue bridge address. if ommited bridge will be searched
-p, --polling-interval light status polling interval in seconds [default: 10]
-d, --publish-distinct publish distinct light states
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
--disable-names use light ID instead of name when publishing changes
--mqtt-retain enable/disable retain flag for mqtt messages
[boolean] [default: true]
--insecure allow tls connections with invalid certificates
--version Show version number [boolean]
All config options can be set via environment variables also (uppercase, underscore).
I suggest to use pm2 to manage the hm2mqtt process (start on system boot, manage log files,
You can add Username/Password for the connection to the MQTT broker to the MQTT URL param like e.g.
. For a secure connection via TLS use mqtts://
as URL scheme.
Topics and Payloads
hue2mqtt.js follows the mqtt-smarthome topic structure with a
top-level prefix and a function like status and set. Lamp, group and scene names are read from the Hue bridge.
Status reports are sent to the topic
The payload is a JSON encoded object with the following fields:
- val - either 0 if the lamp is off, or the current brightness (1..254)
- hue_state - A JSON object which has the complete lamp state as returned from the Hue API:
- on: boolean, whether the lamp is on
- bri: current brightness 1..254
- hue: hue from 0..65535
- sat: saturation from 0..254
- xy: an array of floats containing the coordinates (0..1) in CIE colorspace
- ct: Mired color temperature (153..500)
- colormode: current color mode, textual (ct, hs, or xy)
- reachable: boolean, whether the light is reachable
Setting state is possible in one of three ways:
- Method 1: Publishing a simple integer value to
will for value=0 turn off the lamp and for values > 0 turn the lamp on and set the
brightness to the given value.
- Method 2: Publishing a JSON encoded object to
will set multiple parameters of the given lamp. The field names are the same as
the ones used in the hue_state state object. Additionally, a field
can be specified which defines the transitiontime to the new
state in multiple of 100ms.
- Method 3: Publishing a simple value to
will distinctly set a single datapoint (equal to the field names in the composite
JSON state object) to the simple value.
The fields "bri", "hue", "sat" and "ct" have variants with a "_inc" suffix
which accept a relative value. For example, setting "bri_inc" to "5" will increase
the brightness by 5, setting "bri_inc" to "-5" will decrease the brightness by 5.
The values will clip properly within their allowed range.
The same is possible with groups: hue/set/groups/<groupname>
The special group name 0 is also recognized and refers to the default group which contains
all lights connected to a bridge.
Like all applications connecting to a Hue bridge, hue2mqtt needs to be authenticated using push link at least once.
The bridge will then assign a whitelist username which is automatically used on subsequent connections.
When authentication is required, a one-shot not retained message is published to topic hue/status/authrequired
MIT © Sebastian Raff