HyperSDK Cordova plugin
Table of Contents
Cordova plugin for HyperSDK.
Getting the SDK
SDK is available as a node depdendecy via:
cordova plugin add hyper-sdk-cordova
Also it can be added as direct branch reference:
cordova plugin add git+ssh://git@bitbucket.org/juspay/hyper-sdk-cordova
Create an instance for HyperSDK cordova plugin by using:
hyperSDKRef = cordova.plugins.HyperSDKPlugin
EC Headless - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK EC doc.
Payment Page - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK Payment page doc.
To keep the sdk up to date with the latest changes, it is highly recommended to call preFetch as early as possible. To call preFetch, use the following snippet:
var payload = {
"service" : "in.juspay.hyperpay",
"betaAssets" : true,
"payload" : {
"clientId" : "<client_id>"
To serve dynamically changing requirements for the payments ecosystem HyperSDK uses a JS engine to improve user experience and enable faster iterations.
Initiate API starts up the js engine and enables it to improve the performance and experience of the next SDK API calls.
To call initiate, use the following snippet:
var payload = {
"requestId": "8cbc3fad-8b3f-40c0-ae93-2d7e75a8624a",
"service" : "in.juspay.hyperpay",
"betaAssets" : true,
"payload" : {
"action": "initiate",
"merchantKeyId": "2980",
"merchantId": "merchant_id",
"clientId": "merchant_id" + "_android",
"customerId": "customer_id",
"environment": "sandbox",
"signaturePayload": "signaturePayloadString",
"signature": "signature"
hyperSDKRef.initiate(JSON.stringify(completePayload), hyperSDKCallback);
Initiate payload - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK initiate.
To serve dynamically changing requirements for the payments ecosystem HyperSDK uses a JS engine to improve user experience and enable faster iterations.
Initiate API starts up the js engine and enables it to improve the performance and experience of the next SDK API calls.
To call initiate, use the following snippet:
var payload = {
"requestId": "8cbc3fad-8b3f-40c0-ae93-2d7e75a8624a",
"service" : "in.juspay.hyperpay",
"betaAssets" : true,
"payload" : {
"action": "paymentPage",
"merchantKeyId": "2980",
"merchantId": "merchant_id",
"clientId": "merchant_id" + "_android",
"customerId": "customer_id",
"environment": "sandbox",
"signaturePayload": "signaturePayloadString",
"signature": "signature"
Process payload - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK process.
- Add dynamic assets plugin for android and ios