Another one my LISP-like language interpreter hosted on JS.
Syntax examples
Define variable
(def a 10 b 20)
(def foo "Hello World")
(def bar true)
Define function
(defun sum (a b) (+ a b))
Define macro
(defmacro backwards (. body) (eval (cons 'begin (.reverse 'body))))
Define lambda
(def my-lambda (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
Iterative loop
; Print numbers from 100 to 0
(loop (x 100)
(print x)
(cond (> x 0) (recur (dec x))))
; Fibonacci using iterative loop
(defun fib (n)
(loop (x 0 y 1 i n)
(cond (<= i 0) x (recur y (+ x y) (dec i)))))
Define variable using list destructuring
; Nested destructuring
(def (a (b c)) '(2 '(4 6)))
; Destructuring with rest
(def (first . rest) '(1 2 3 4 5))