This project aims to improve upon the existing Yarn package manager audit functionality.
GitHub Repo:

Currently yarn audit
has several issues making it difficult to use in a CI pipeline:
- No way to ignore advisories
- Unable to filter out low severity issues
- Ongoing network issues with NPM registry cause false positives
provides a wrapper around the yarn audit
command which addresses all of the above problems.
yarn add improved-yarn-audit
Running an Audit Check
To execute an audit check, run:
yarn run improved-yarn-audit
Setting the Severity Level
You can define a minimum severity level to report, any advisories below this level are ignored.
yarn run improved-yarn-audit --min-severity moderate
Run with --help
to see all levels available
Excluding Advisories
Often dev dependencies can become outdated and the package maintainer no longer provides updates. This leads to audit advisories that will never affect your production code.
To remedy this, you can pass a csv list of advisory IDs to ignore.
yarn run improved-yarn-audit --exclude GHSA-f9cm-p3w6-xvr3,GHSA-cph5-m8f7-6c5x,GHSA-gpvr-g6gh-9mc2
.iyarc File
If an .iyarc
file is present in the current working directory, it will be parsed and used to specify a list of advisory exclusions.
Advisory exclusions to be ignored can either be provided on their own line, or as a comma separated list.
Example .iyarc
Note: if you pass in exclusions using the command line, these will override the .iyarc
Maintaining Advisory Exclusions
Over time as you bump package versions, exclusions may become redundant as those advisories are no longer present in your dependencies.
If you want to fail the audit check when exclusions are missing from the Yarn audit output use the --fail-on-missing-exclusions
yarn run improved-yarn-audit --fail-on-missing-exclusions
The exit code will be the total number of missing exclusions detected.
Ignore All Dev Advisories
If you want to ignore any advisories from dev dependencies, you can use the --ignore-dev-deps
flag to do this.
yarn run improved-yarn-audit --ignore-dev-deps
Retrying Network Issues
As of April 2019 there are outstanding network issues with the NPM registry audit API, which cause frequent request failues. To work around this until a fix is implemented you can pass a flag to retry any failed requests.
yarn run improved-yarn-audit --retry-on-network-failure
NPM Users
If you are an NPM fan looking for a similar solution, checkout the better-npm-audit package.