An infinite scrolling table with editable features. No jQuery required.
See the demo
Minimum required setup:
var InfiniteScroll = require('infinite-table');
new InfiniteScroll('<table element ID>', {
url: <url to get data from>,
fields: {
<returned data property> : {}
For the spinner, include
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css"/>
new InfiniteScroll('<table element ID>', {
url: <url to get data from>,
fields: {
<returned data property> : {
data: {
<data-attribute>: ':<returned data property>:'
// for example:
id: ':id:' // will create a data-attribute like data-id="1"
// setup listener, e.g. "click" listener (set as many as you wish):
listener: [{
handle: (e) => {alert(}, // callback
on: 'click' // listen for event
// if editable is provided, the td will be given contenteditable attribute,
// same signature as above for listeners
editable: [{
handle: (e) => {alert(},
on: 'blur'
perPage: 20, // how many entries should be fetched per "page"
loadTiming: 2, // when should the loading happen (defaults to the penultimate tr)
transport: 'ajax', // possible transports: ajax/websockets,
spinner: 0 // possible 0, 1, 2
An ajax (default) / websockets GET
request is made whenever you hit the trigger. The signature is:
So your backend only has to GET
skip and limit to query for the data.
Example query
SELECT * FROM `foo` LIMIT <limit> OFFSET <skip>
If you're using sails.js you're in luck - simply create the contoller and model,
everything else works out of the box.
The scroller expects json data as returned object.
lodash, bluebird
included: SpinKit from