IOpipe Analytics & Distributed Tracing Agent
This package provides analytics and distributed tracing for
event-driven, "serverless" applications.
Installation & usage
Installation is simple. Just require this module with your client id
(contact us to get set up) and it will
automatically monitor and collect metrics from your application
running on AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure, or any
other "serverless" environment.
var iopipe_metrics = require("iopipe-agent")({ clientId: "YOUR_ID"})
exports.handle = iopipe_metrics(
function (event, context) {
context.succeed("This is my serverless function!")
When requiring the metrics agent, it accepts a config object where
you define the URL for the collector service and a client id. By default,
telemetry will be reported to the IOpipe Telemetry Service.
var config = {
url: "",
clientId: "YOUR_ID"
var iopipe_metrics = require("iopipe-agent")(config)
To override the collector service, specify a URL (ex. "")
running the IOpipe Collector
as follows:
var iopipe_metrics = require("iopipe-agent")({ url: "", clientId: "YOUR_ID" })
exports.handle = iopipe_metrics(
function (event, context) {
context.succeed("Reporting these metrics to my own collector!")
Data reported
The following is provided to the collector service,
either the IOpipe Telemetry Service or the open serverless
- function_id (a hashed identifier of the function)
- client_id (your client id, common among all your functions)
- environment (restricted view of Node's process var)
- errors
- events (custom events sent via
.emit('event', [data])
- time_sec_nanosec (execution time: [secs, nanosecs])
- time_sec (execution time: secs)
- time_nanosec (execution time: nanosecs)
Apache 2.0