This package will help you to run parametrised tests easily [typesafe] without text tables or arrays of arrays.

Table of Contents
- Examples
- Setup
- Features
- What's next
- Releases
You can see demo project here.
Tests are here.
{ input: 0, expected: '0' },
{ input: 0.99, expected: '1' },
{ input: 102.99998, expected: '103' },
{ input: -6, expected: '-6' },
.run(t => {
Run test in idea with jest plugin:

More complex
its('check calculator')
{ a: 1, b: 2, exp: [3, -1, 2, 0.5] },
{ a: 1, b: 0, exp: [1, 1, 0, Infinity] },
.each(t => [
{ sign: '+' as const, exp: t.exp[0] },
{ sign: '-' as const, exp: t.exp[1] },
{ sign: '*' as const, exp: t.exp[2] },
{ sign: '/' as const, exp: t.exp[3] },
.each(t => [{ flatDesc: `${t.a} ${t.sign} ${t.b} should be ${t.exp}` }])
.run(async t => {
expect(calc(t.a, t.b, t.sign)).toBe(t.exp);

and the same test with auto cases names:

Install dev dependency:
yarn add -D jest-test-each
To setup jest you need to have jest.config.js config (official details)
In your jest.config.js config add:
module.exports = {
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./config/setup.js"],
In './config/setup.js' file add the following (this is required for global vars to be available):
for .ts tests to see globals 'its' and 'Test' add the following to your tsconfig:
// tsconfig.json
"include": [
Additional [optional]
You can override test runner environment (by default it is jest env) by the following:
describe: describe,
it: it,
beforeAll: beforeAll,
.only() usage
See example.
Running the feature containing this will result in 2 tests
its('Simple test: roundings')
{ input: 0, expected: '0' },
{ input: 0.99, expected: '1' },
{ input: 102.99998, expected: '103' },
{ input: -6, expected: '-6' },
.only(t => t.input === -6)
.run(t => {

What's next
Unavailable features
- to start testEach by Idea plugin (workaround: wrap with describe and do not put name into Test Each)
- Ability to add flatDesc to cases simplier - as function for each (.each(..).desc(t=>...))