{% raw %}

Jiko is a modern and easy to use template engine for Javascript. Its objective is to provide to Javascript programmers a
way to write templates with an engine as powerful as server-side state of the art template engines like Jinja and Mako.
var rows = _.map(_.range(0, 10), function(el) { return _.range(0, 10); });
{% function name="makeRow" %}
% a.row.forEach(function(name) {
% });
{% end %}
% rows.forEach(function(row) {
%{makeRow({row: row})}
% });
Jiko's features:
- Its syntax is as simple and direct as possible. Influenced by well-known template engines.
- Don't reinvent the wheel! Why use a new language for expressions when you can use JavaScript?
- Allows multiple templates to be defined in a single template file.
- Compiles templates directly to Javascript to be one of the fastest JavaScript template engines ever.
- Allows browser-side on-the-fly compilation for development and server-side compilation for production.
- Works in a browser (IE7, Chrome, Firefox) and inside Node.js.
- Uses the MIT open source licence.
Jiko is still in development. You can help to improve it on Github.
Interested? Take a look at the Documentation.
{% endraw %}