What is js-string-escape?
The js-string-escape npm package is a utility for escaping JavaScript strings. It ensures that special characters in strings are properly escaped, making them safe for use in JavaScript code.
What are js-string-escape's main functionalities?
Basic String Escaping
This feature allows you to escape special characters in a string, such as quotes, backslashes, and newlines, making the string safe for use in JavaScript code.
const jsStringEscape = require('js-string-escape');
const escapedString = jsStringEscape('Hello "world"!');
console.log(escapedString); // Output: Hello \"world\"!
Other packages similar to js-string-escape
The jsesc package is a versatile JavaScript library for escaping JavaScript strings. It offers more configuration options compared to js-string-escape, such as the ability to escape only certain characters or to output the escaped string in different formats (e.g., hexadecimal, Unicode).
The he package is primarily used for escaping and unescaping HTML entities, but it also provides functionality for escaping JavaScript strings. It is more focused on handling HTML entities, making it a good choice if you need to work with both HTML and JavaScript string escaping.
The lodash.escape function is part of the Lodash library, a popular utility library for JavaScript. It provides basic string escaping functionality similar to js-string-escape, but as part of a larger suite of utility functions. If you are already using Lodash in your project, lodash.escape can be a convenient option.

Escape any string to be a valid JavaScript string literal between double
quotes or single quotes.
npm install js-string-escape
If you need to generate JavaScript output, this library will help you safely
put arbitrary data in JavaScript strings:
jsStringEscape = require('js-string-escape')
console.log('"' + jsStringEscape('Quotes (\", \'), newlines (\n), etc.') + '"')
In other words, given any string s
, the following invariants hold:
eval('"' + jsStringEscape(s) + '"') === s
eval("'" + jsStringEscape(s) + "'") === s
These eval
expressions are safe with untrusted strings s
Non-strings will be cast to strings.
This library has been checked against ECMAScript
5.1 and tested
against all Unicode code points.
Note that the returned string is not necessarily valid JSON, since JSON
disallows control characters, and \'
is illegal in JSON.