**jsGrid** is a lightweight client-side data grid control based on jQuery. It supports basic grid operations like inserting, filtering, editing, deleting, paging and sorting. Although jsGrid is tunable and allows to customize appearance and components.
jsGrid is a lightweight client-side data grid control based on jQuery.
It supports basic grid operations like inserting, filtering, editing, deleting, paging and sorting.
Although jsGrid is tunable and allows to customize appearance and components.
type is a string key of field ("text"|"number"|"checkbox"|"select"|"textarea"|"control") in fields registry jsGrid.fields (the registry can be easily extended with custom field types).
name is a property of data item associated with the column.
title is a text to be displayed in the header of the column. If title is not specified, the name will be used instead.
css is a string representing css classes to be attached to the table cell.
align is alignment of text in the cell. Accepts following values "left"|"center"|"right".
width is a width of the column.
filtering is a boolean specifying whether or not column has filtering (filterTemplate() is rendered and filterValue() is included in load filter object).
inserting is a boolean specifying whether or not column has inserting (insertTemplate() is rendered and insertValue() is included in inserting item).
editing is a boolean specifying whether or not column has editing (editTemplate() is rendered and editValue() is included in editing item).
sorting is a boolean specifying whether or not column has sorting ability.
sorter is a string or a function specifying how to sort item by the field. The string is a key of sorting strategy in the registry jsGrid.sortStrategies (the registry can be easily extended with custom sorting functions). Sorting function has the signature function(value1, value2) { return -1|0|1; }.
headerTemplate is a function to create column header content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement.
itemTemplate is a function to create cell content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement. The function signature is function(value, item), where value is a value of column property of data item, and item is a row data item.
filterTemplate is a function to create filter row cell content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement.
insertTemplate is a function to create insert row cell content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement.
editTemplate is a function to create cell content of editing row. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement. The function signature is function(value, item), where value is a value of column property of data item, and item is a row data item.
filterValue is a function returning the value of filter property associated with the column.
insertValue is a function returning the value of inserting item property associated with the column.
editValue is a function returning the value of editing item property associated with the column.
cellRenderer is a function to customize cell rendering. The function signature is function(value, item), where value is a value of column property of data item, and item is a row data item. The function should return markup as a string, jQueryElement or DomNode representing table cell td.
Specific field options depends on concrete field type.
Read about build-in fields in Grid Fields section.
An array of items to be displayed in the grid. The option should be used to provide static data. Use the controller option to provide non static data.
autoload (default false)
A boolean value specifying whether controller.loadData will be called when grid is rendered.
An object or function returning an object with the following structure:
loadData is a function returning an array of data or jQuery promise that will be resolved with an array of data (when pageLoading is true instead of object the structure { data: [items], itemsCount: [total items count] } should be returned). Accepts filter parameter including current filter options and paging parameters when pageLoading is true.
insertItem is a function returning inserted item or jQuery promise that will be resolved with inserted item. Accepts inserting item object.
updateItem is a function returning updated item or jQuery promise that will be resolved with updated item. Accepts updating item object.
deleteItem is a function deleting item. Returns jQuery promise that will be resolved when deletion is completed. Accepts deleting item object.
Read more about controller interface in Grid Controller section.
width (default: "auto")
Specifies the overall width of the grid.
Accepts all value types accepting by jQuery.width.
height (default: "auto")
Specifies the overall height of the grid including the pager.
Accepts all value types accepting by jQuery.height.
heading (default: true)
A boolean value specifies whether to show grid header or not.
filtering (default: false)
A boolean value specifies whether to show filter row or not.
inserting (default: false)
A boolean value specifies whether to show inserting row or not.
editing (default: false)
A boolean value specifies whether editing is allowed.
selecting (default: true)
A boolean value specifies whether to highlight grid rows on hover.
sorting (default: false)
A boolean value specifies whether sorting is allowed.
paging (default: false)
A boolean value specifies whether data is displayed by pages.
pageLoading (default: false)
A boolean value specifies whether to load data by page.
When pageLoading is true the loadData method of controller accepts filter parameter with two additional properties pageSize and pageIndex.
A string or a function specifying row css classes.
A string contains classes separated with spaces.
A function has signature function(item, itemIndex). It accepts the data item and index of the item. It should returns a string containing classes separated with spaces.
A function handling row click. Accepts single argument with following structure:
item // data item
itemIndex // data item index
event // jQuery event
By default rowClick performs row editing when editing is true.
noDataContent (default "Not found")
A string or a function returning a markup, jQueryElement or DomNode specifying the content to be displayed when data is an empty array.
confirmDeleting (default true)
A boolean value specifying whether to ask user to confirm item deletion.
deleteConfirm (default "Are you sure?")
A string or a function returning string specifying delete confirmation message to be displayed to the user.
A function has the signature function(item) and accepts item to be deleted.
pagerContainer (default null)
A jQueryElement or DomNode to specify where to render a pager. Used for external pager rendering. When it is equal to null, the pager is rendered at the bottom of the grid.
pageIndex (default 1)
An integer value specifying current page index. Applied only when paging is true.
pageSize (default 20)
An integer value specifying the amount of items on the page. Applied only when paging is true.
pageButtonCount (default 15)
An integer value specifying the maximum amount of page buttons to be displayed in the pager.
A string specifying pager format.
The default value is "Pages: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last} {pageIndex} of {pageCount}"
There are placeholders that can be used in the format:
{first} // link to first page
{prev} // link to previous page
{pages} // page links
{next} // link to next page
{last} // link to last page
{pageIndex} // current page index
{pageCount} // total amount of pages
pageNextText (default "Next")
A string specifying the text of the link to the next page.
pagePrevText (default "Prev")
A string specifying the text of the link to the previous page.
pageFirstText (default "First")
A string specifying the text of the link to the first page.
pageLastText (default "Last")
A string specifying the text of the link to the last page.
pageNavigatorNextText (default "...")
A string specifying the text of the link to move to next set of page links, when total amount of pages more than pageButtonCount.
pageNavigatorPrevText (default "...")
A string specifying the text of the link to move to previous set of page links, when total amount of pages more than pageButtonCount.
loadIndication (default true)
A boolean value specifying whether to show loading indication during controller operations execution.
loadIndicationDelay (default 500)
An integer value specifying the delay in ms before showing load indication. Applied only when loadIndication is true.
loadMessage (default "Please, wait...")
A string specifying the text of loading indication panel. Applied only when loadIndication is true.
loadShading (default true)
A boolean value specifying whether to show overlay (shader) over grid content during loading indication. Applied only when loadIndication is true.
updateOnResize (default true)
A boolean value specifying whether to refresh grid on window resize event.
rowRenderer (default null)
A function to customize row rendering. The function signature is function(item, itemIndex), where item is row data item, and itemIndex is the item index.
The function should return markup as a string, jQueryElement or DomNode representing table row tr.
headerRowRenderer (default null)
A function to customize grid header row.
The function should return markup as a string, jQueryElement or DomNode representing table row tr.
filterRowRenderer (default null)
A function to customize grid filter row.
The function should return markup as a string, jQueryElement or DomNode representing table row tr.
insertRowRenderer (default null)
A function to customize grid inserting row.
The function should return markup as a string, jQueryElement or DomNode representing table row tr.
editRowRenderer (default null)
A function to customize editing row rendering. The function signature is function(item, itemIndex), where item is row data item, and itemIndex is the item index.
The function should return markup as a string, jQueryElement or DomNode representing table row tr.
Grid Fields
All fields supporting by grid are stored in jsGrid.fields object, where key is a type of the field and the value is the field class.
jsGrid.fields contains following build-in fields:
text: { ... }, // simple text inputnumber: { ... }, // number inputselect: { ... }, // select controlcheckbox: { ... }, // checkbox inputtextarea: { ... }, // textarea control (renders textarea for inserting and editing and text input for filtering)control: { ... } // control field with delete and editing buttons for data rows, search and add buttons for filter and inserting row
Each build-in field can be easily customized with general configuration properties described in fields section and custom field-specific properties described below.
Text field renders <input type="text"> in filter, inserting and editing rows.
Custom properties:
autosearch: true// triggers searching when the user presses `enter` key in the filter input
Number field renders <input type="number"> in filter, inserting and editing rows.
Custom properties:
sorter: "number", // uses sorter for numbersalign: "right"// right text alignment
Select field renders <select> control in filter, inserting and editing rows.
Custom properties:
align: "center", // center text alignmentautosearch: true, // triggers searching when the user changes the selected item in the filteritems: [], // an array of items for selectvalueField: "", // name of property of item to be used as valuetextField: "", // name of property of item to be used as displaying valueselectedIndex: -1// index of selected item by default
If valueField is not defined, then the item index is used instead.
If textField is not defined, then item itself is used to display value.
For instance the simple select field config may look like:
Checkbox field renders <input type="checkbox"> in filter, inserting and editing rows.
Filter checkbox supports intermediate state for, so click switches between 3 states (checked|intermediate|unchecked).
Custom properties:
sorter: "number", // uses sorter for numbersalign: "center"// center text alignmentautosearch: true// triggers searching when the user clicks checkbox in filter
Textarea field renders 'in inserting and editing rows and` in filter row.
Custom properties:
autosearch: true// triggers searching when the user presses `enter` key in the filter input
Control field renders delete and editing buttons in data row, search and add buttons in filter and inserting row accordingly.
It also renders button switching between filtering and searching in header row.
Custom properties:
editButton: true, // show edit buttondeleteButton: true, // show delete buttonclearFilterButton: true, // show clear filter buttonmodeSwitchButton: true, // show switching filtering/inserting buttonalign: "center", // center content alignmentwidth: 50, // default column width is 50pxfiltering: false, // disable filtering for columninserting: false, // disable inserting for columnediting: false, // disable editing for columnsorting: false, // disable sorting for columnsearchModeButtonTooltip: "Switch to searching", // tooltip of switching filtering/inserting button in inserting modeinsertModeButtonTooltip: "Switch to inserting", // tooltip of switching filtering/inserting button in filtering modeeditButtonTooltip: "Edit", // tooltip of edit item buttondeleteButtonTooltip: "Delete", // tooltip of delete item buttonsearchButtonTooltip: "Search", // tooltip of search buttonclearFilterButtonTooltip: "Clear filter", // tooltip of clear filter buttoninsertButtonTooltip: "Insert", // tooltip of insert buttonupdateButtonTooltip: "Update", // tooltip of update item buttoncancelEditButtonTooltip: "Cancel edit", // tooltip of cancel editing button
Custom Field
If you need a completely custom field, the object jsGrid.fields can be easily extended.
To have all general grid field properties custom field class should inherit jsGrid.Field class or any other field class.
Here itemTemplate just returns the string representation of a date.
insertTemplate and editTemplate create jQuery UI datePicker for inserting and editing row.
Of course jquery ui library should be included to make it work.
insertValue and editValue return date to insert and update items accordingly.
We also defined date specific sorter.
Now, our new field date can be used in the grid config as follows:
pageIndex is one-based index of the page to open. The value should be in range from 1 to [total amount of pages].
option(key, [value])
Gets or sets the value of an option.
key is the name of the option.
value is the new option value to set.
If value is not specified, then the value of the option key will be returned.
// turn off paging
$("#grid").jsGrid("option", "paging", false);
// get current page indexvar pageIndex = $("#grid").jsGrid("option", "pageIndex");
Refreshes the grid. Renders the grid body and pager content, recalculates sizes.
render(): Promise
Performs complete grid rendering. If option autoload is true calls controller.loadData. The state of the grid like current page and sorting is retained.
Returns jQuery promise resolved when data loading is completed. If auto-loading is disabled the promise is instantly resolved.
$("#grid").jsGrid("render").done(function() {
console.log("rendering completed and data loaded");
Resets the state of the grid. Goes to the first data page, resets sorting, and then calls refresh.
search([filter]): Promise
Performs filtering of the grid.
Returns jQuery promise resolved when data loading is completed.
filter is a filter to pass to controller.loadData.
If filter is not specified the current filter (filtering row values) will be applied.
// search with current grid filter
// search with custom filter
$("#grid").jsGrid("search", { Name: "John" }).done(function() {
console.log("filtering completed");
Shows previous set of pages, when total amount of pages more than pageButtonCount.
Shows next set of pages, when total amount of pages more than pageButtonCount.
sort(sortConfig|field, [order]): Promise
Sorts grid by specified field.
Returns jQuery promise resolved when sorting is completed.
sortConfig is the plain object of the following structure { field: (fieldIndex|fieldName|field), order: ("asc"|"desc") }
field is the field to sort by. It could be zero-based field index or field name or field reference
order is the sorting order. Accepts the following values: "asc"|"desc"
If order is not specified, then data is sorted in the reversed to current order, when grid is already sorted by the same field. Or "asc" for sorting by another field.
When grid data is loaded by pages (pageLoading is true) sorting calls controller.loadData with sorting parameters. Read more in Grid Controller section.
// sorting grid by first field
$("#grid").jsGrid("sort", 0);
// sorting grid by field "Name" in descending order
$("#grid").jsGrid("sort", { field: "Name", order: "desc" });
// sorting grid by myField in ascending order
$("#grid").jsGrid("sort", myField, "asc").done(function() {
console.log("sorting completed");
grid // grid instance
option // name of option to be changed
oldValue // old value of option
newValue // new value of option
Fires after grid option value change.
Has following arguments:
grid // grid instance
option // name of changed option
value // changed option value
Fires before grid refresh.
Has following arguments:
grid // grid instance
Fires after grid refresh.
Has following arguments:
grid // grid instance
Grid Controller
The controller is a gateway between grid and data storage. All data manipulations call accordant controller methods.
By default grid has an empty controller and can work with static array of items stored in option data.
A controller should implement following interface:
filter contains all filter parameters of fields with enabled filtering
When pageLoading is true and data is loaded by page, filter includes two more parameters:
pageIndex // current page index
pageSize // the size of page
When grid sorting is enabled, filter includes two more parameters:
sortField // the name of sorting field
sortOrder // the order of sorting as string "asc"|"desc"
Method should return dataResult or jQuery promise that will be resolved with dataResult.
dataResult depends on pageLoading. When pageLoading is false (by default), then data result is a plain javascript array of objects.
If pageLoading is true data result should have following structure
data // array of items
itemsCount // total items amount in storage
insertItem(item): Promise|insertedItem
Called on item insertion.
Method should return insertedItem or jQuery promise that will be resolved with insertedItem.
If no item is returned, inserting item will be used as inserted item.
item is the item to be inserted.
updateItem(item): Promise|updatedItem
Called on item update.
Method should return updatedItem or jQuery promise that will be resolved with updatedItem.
If no item is returned, updating item will be used as updated item.
item is the item to be updated.
deleteItem(item): Promise
Called on item deletion.
If deletion is asynchronous, method should return jQuery promise that will be resolved when deletion is completed.
item is the item to be deleted.
Sorting Strategies
All supported sorting strategies are stored in jsGrid.sortStrategies object, where key is a name of the strategy and the value is a sortingFunction.
jsGrid.sortStrategies contains following build-in sorting strategies:
string: { ... }, // string sorternumber: { ... }, // number sorterdate: { ... }, // date sorternumberAsString: { ... } // numbers are parsed before comparison
sortingFunction is a sorting function with the following format:
function(value1, value2) {
if(value1 < value2) return -1; // return negative value when first is less than secondif(value1 === value2) return0; // return zero if values are equalif(value1 > value2) return1; // return positive value when first is greater than second
Custom Sorting Strategy
If you need a custom sorting strategy, the object jsGrid.sortStrategies can be easily extended.
In this example we define new sorting strategy for our client objects:
// client object formatvar clients = [{
Name: "John",
Age: 25
}, ...];
// sort clients by name and then by age
jsGrid.sortStrategies.client = function(client1, client2) {
return client1.Name.localeCompare(client2.Name)
|| client1.Age - client2.Age;
Now, our new sorting strategy client can be used in the grid config as follows:
Lightweight data grid jQuery plugin. It supports basic grid operations like inserting, filtering, editing, deleting, paging, sorting, and validation. jsGrid is tunable and allows to customize appearance and components.
The npm package jsgrid receives a total of 14,900 weekly downloads. As such, jsgrid popularity was classified as popular.
We found that jsgrid demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago.It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
Package last updated on 06 Mar 2015
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