🎓 JSJIIT - JIIT Web Portal Wrapper
because manually checking attendance is destroying my mental health fr fr (and because i'm running out of "why did I even do that" moments)
what even is this
a browser-compatible javascript wrapper that lets you programmatically interact with JIIT's web portal. one must imagine the developer happy.
god knew i'd be too powerful if I could solve captchas everyday so here we are
✨ features (real)
- 🔐 login without the captcha (thanks to da goat codelif)
- 📊 get attendance details (or don't, ignorance is bliss)
- 📝 check exam schedules (trauma incoming)
- 📈 fetch grades (fuck grades)
- 👀 view SGPA/CGPA (this healing shit taking forever)
how to use this (if you're still here)
first import the WebPortal
class inside a <script type="module">
import { WebPortal } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsjiit@0.0.11/dist/jsjiit.min.esm.js';
if this version causes issues, use the latest version from the cdn (even if i forget to update these docs). use the npm link to find the latest version number.
then let's speedrun this depression:
const portal = new WebPortal();
await portal.student_login('your_username', 'your_password');
everything below needs login:
const gradeCardSems = await portal.get_semesters_for_grade_card();
const latestSem = gradeCardSems[0];
const grades = await portal.get_grade_card(latestSem);
const meta = await portal.get_attendance_meta();
const sem = meta.latest_semester();
const header = meta.latest_header();
const attendance = await portal.get_attendance(header, sem);
const subjectIndex = 1;
let subjectid = attendance["studentattendancelist"][subjectIndex]["subjectid"];
let individualsubjectcode = attendance["studentattendancelist"][subjectIndex]["individualsubjectcode"];
const possibleComponentCodes = ["Lsubjectcomponentid", "Psubjectcomponentid", "Tsubjectcomponentid"]
let subjectcomponentids = [];
for (let possibleComponentCode of possibleComponentCodes) {
if (attendance["studentattendancelist"][subjectIndex][possibleComponentCode]) {
let subjectAttendance = await portal.get_subject_daily_attendance(sem, subjectid, individualsubjectcode, subjectcomponentids);
const sgpaCgpa = await portal.get_sgpa_cgpa();
const marksSems = await portal.get_semesters_for_marks();
const previousSem = marksSems[1];
const marks = await portal.download_marks(previousSem);
const registerdSems = await portal.get_registered_semesters();
const latestSem = registerdSems[0];
const registeredSubjects = await portal.get_registered_subjects_and_faculties(latestSem);
const examSems = await portal.get_semesters_for_exam_events();
const latestSem = examSems[0];
const examEvents = await portal.get_exam_events(latestSem);
const examSchedule = await portal.get_exam_schedule(examEvents[0]);
const personalInfo = await portal.get_personal_info();
we're all gonna make it
if this wrapper helped you avoid a mental breakdown, consider starring the repo (parasocial validation appreciated)
not liable for any emotional damage caused by viewing your attendance. that's between you and god fr
special thanks
massive shoutout to codelif for creating pyjiit.
y'all should check out pyjiit, it's the original goat that made jsjiit possible.
- me: be funny
- repo: be funnier
- both: we're so back