jsmin.js is a JavaScript Minifier given the source code uses "use strict";
The minifier applies these transformations:
- Removal of Nonessentials
- Removal of Comments
- Preservation of Shebangs
- Preservation of Strings
<path/to/jsmin.js> <path/to/file>(.<ext>)?
In my exploration of language parsing, I found Douglas Crockford's work where there is a JavaScript Minifier that he implemented in C.
However, some of the code was long for a simple utility, so I wanted to write some clever (not clean) code that would produce a similar result.
Through multiple tests, I explored the syntax of JavaScript as I stripped nonessential elements of existing programs to produce unreadable functionally equivalent code.
However, this is not an obfuscator, as I decided that I did not want to change the Object
output, such as console.log({ a })
, in which changing the name of the variables would change the output.
Side Note: As a personal challenge, there are no {
or }
characters in the source code!
# Running jsmin.js on jsmin.js
./jsmin.js jsmin.js
jsmin.js size: 2394
jsmin.min.js size: 1126
Using the same code snippet at the blog post where he discusses his implementation, these are the results using jsmin.js:
./jsmin.js is.js
is.js size: 990
is.min.js size: 435
var is = {
ie: navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer',
java: navigator.javaEnabled(),
ns: navigator.appName == 'Netscape',
ua: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
version: parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.substr(21)) ||
win: navigator.platform == 'Win32'
is.mac = is.ua.indexOf('mac') >= 0;
if (is.ua.indexOf('opera') >= 0) {
is.ie = is.ns = false;
is.opera = true;
if (is.ua.indexOf('gecko') >= 0) {
is.ie = is.ns = false;
is.gecko = true;
var is={ie:navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer',java:navigator.javaEnabled(),ns:navigator.appName=='Netscape',ua:navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),version:parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.substr(21))||parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),win:navigator.platform=='Win32'};is.mac=is.ua.indexOf('mac')>=0;if(is.ua.indexOf('opera')>=0){is.ie=is.ns=false;is.opera=true;}if(is.ua.indexOf('gecko')>=0){is.ie=is.ns=false;is.gecko=true;}