Unbelievable and Modern JSON interface. Prollyfills propositions for ECMAScript 7.
Prollyfill: A polyfill for a not yet standardized API.
- High level methods for manipulate JSON files (stringify, parse, load and save).
- Backward compatibility with JSON Object in Node or Browser.
- Async support (Node Callback style and Promise).
JSON Future is based into a set of cool libraries to handle JSON, but some of this libraries uses promises or callback style. This library adds an extra layer to call these libraries uniformly.
npm install json-future --save
If you want to use in the browser (powered by Browserify):
bower install json-future --save
and later link in your HTML:
<script src="bower_components/json-future/dist/json-future.js"></script>
var jsonFuture = require('json-future');
Don't be afraid to replace for the default JSON
object. The library is specially designed for be compatible and don't break your code:
JSON = require('json-future');
Also you can do this action using the register
## API
In `async` methods, if you don't provide a callback for node style, then the method return a `Promise`.
### .stringify(input, [replacer], [space])
### .stringifyAsync(input, [replacer], [space], [cb])
Creates the `string` version of the input.
### .parse(input, [reviver], [filename])
### .parseAsync(input, [reviver], [filename], [cb])
Creates the `object` version of the input.
### .load(filepath)
### .loadAsync(filepath, [cb])
Returns the parsed JSON.
### .save(filepath, data, [options])
### .saveAsync(filepath, data, [options], [cb])
Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically.
#### options
##### indent
Type: `string`, `number`
Default: `\t`
Indentation as a string or number of spaces.
Pass in `null` for no formatting.
##### sortKeys
Type: `boolean`, `function`
Default: `false`
Sort the keys recursively.
Optionally pass in a [`compare`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort) function.
##### replacer
Type: `function`
Passed into [`JSON.stringify`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#The_replacer_parameter).
##### mode
Type: `number`
Default `438` *(0666 in octal)*
[Mode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions#Numeric_notation) used when writing the file.
## License
MIT © [Kiko Beats](http://kikobeats.com)