Keystone Blog
To install, simply add keystone-blog to the list of dependencies in your Keystone application's package.json and run npm install.
1. In your application's keystone.js file, include the module, import its models, and add the models to your Keystone admin UI:
var keystone = require('keystone');
var KeystoneBlog = require('keystone-blog');
keystone.set('nav', {
'blog': ['tags', 'blog-posts'],
2. In your index.js route, initialize a PostController and use it to either render the jade templates provided with this module or get a list of posts. Either way, do this step as a middleware function. (The module is set up to only need one route, and any request parameters are treated as a slug for the blog post. Also, a slug of "popular" will show the index of the blog, but sorted by popularity. ie. {your-app-url}/blog would return the index and {your-app-url}/blog/post-1 would display the blog post with the title "Post 1")
var keystone = require('keystone')
, express =
, api = express.Router()
, middleware = require('./middleware')
, PostController = require('keystone-blog').PostController
, blogController = new PostController("true", 4, 4, "LL");
keystone.pre('routes', middleware.initErrorHandlers);
keystone.pre('routes', middleware.initLocals);
keystone.pre('render', middleware.flashMessages);
var routes = {
views: importRoutes('./views'),
api: importRoutes('./api')
exports = module.exports = function(app) {
app.get('/blog/:post?', blogController.request,;
The PostController constructor has 4 (optional) parameters:
- render Whether the keystone-blog module should render jade templates. If "true", a rendered template is returned. If "false", index methods will return a list of Post instances and show methods will return Post instances. Defaults to "true". (This field must be a string rather than a boolean or else it will always default to true)
- perPage The number of blog posts to show on a single index page. Defaults to 10.
- maxPages The number of pages to show in the pagination navigation. Defaults to 5.
- dateFormat The format to show the blog date. Defaults to "llll". See
3. Create a route file and view for your blog page. In the route file, attach either req.renderedTemplate or (depending on whether your render parameter in the PostController is true) to locals, and it can then be used in your jade template.
var keystone = require('keystone');
exports = module.exports = function(req, res) {
var view = new keystone.View(req, res);
var locals = res.locals;
locals.section = 'blog';
locals.path = req.path;
locals.renderedTemplate = req.renderedTemplate;
if(req.posts) {
locals.posts = req.posts;
} else { =;
!= renderedTemplate
if posts
each post in posts
//- etc
//- etc
4. Style to your heart's content in your application's stylesheets and start blogging through the Keystone admin UI!
- Name: The name of the tag
- Slug: Auto-generated by Name. This value can be used to filter the blog posts by adding "?tag={slug}" to the blog index url
- Name: The name of the post
- Author: The author of the post. The type of this model is pulled from your keystone configuration as your user model
- Slug: Auto-generated by Name. This is used for the route that links directly to the post
- Tags: Tags that specify the category or topic of the post.
- Featured image: An image that can be uploaded. If you choose to use the module's rendered template this image will be shown in the index above each blog post.
- Preview: The text that is shown for each post in the blog index
- Body: The body of the blog.
- Created At: Datetime when the post was made.
- Views: How many times the post has been viewed. This is session-specific.