koffi is a fast and easy-to-use FFI module for Node.js, with support for complex data types such as structs.
The following platforms are supported at the moment:
- Windows x86 (cdecl, stdcall)
- Windows x86_64
- Linux x86
- Linux x86_64
- Linux AArch64
This is still in development, more platforms and more tests will come in the near future.
First, make sure the following dependencies are met:
Once this is done, run this command from the project root:
npm install
Other platforms (Linux, macOS, etc.)
Make sure the following dependencies are met:
Once these dependencies are met, simply run the follow command:
npm install
How to use
This section assumes you know how to build C shared libraries.
This examples illustrates how to use koffi with a Raylib shared library:
const koffi = require('koffi/build/Release/koffi.node');
const Color = koffi.struct('Color', {
r: 'uchar',
g: 'uchar',
b: 'uchar',
a: 'uchar'
const Image = koffi.struct('Image', {
data: koffi.pointer('void'),
width: 'int',
height: 'int',
mipmaps: 'int',
format: 'int'
const GlyphInfo = koffi.struct('GlyphInfo', {
value: 'int',
offsetX: 'int',
offsetY: 'int',
advanceX: 'int',
image: Image
const Vector2 = koffi.struct('Vector2', {
x: 'float',
y: 'float'
const Rectangle = koffi.struct('Rectangle', {
x: 'float',
y: 'float',
width: 'float',
height: 'float'
const Texture = koffi.struct('Texture', {
id: 'uint',
width: 'int',
height: 'int',
mipmaps: 'int',
format: 'int'
const Font = koffi.struct('Font', {
baseSize: 'int',
glyphCount: 'int',
glyphPadding: 'int',
texture: Texture,
recs: koffi.pointer(Rectangle),
glyphs: koffi.pointer(GlyphInfo)
let raylib = koffi.load('Raylib.dll', {
InitWindow: ['void', ['int', 'int', 'string']],
SetTargetFPS: ['void', ['int']],
GetScreenWidth: ['int', []],
GetScreenHeight: ['int', []],
ClearBackground: ['void', [Color]],
BeginDrawing: ['void', []],
EndDrawing: ['void', []],
WindowShouldClose: ['bool', []],
GetFontDefault: [Font, []],
MeasureTextEx: [Vector2, [Font, 'string', 'float', 'float']],
DrawTextEx: ['void', [Font, 'string', Vector2, 'float', 'float', Color]]
raylib.InitWindow(800, 600, 'Test Raylib');
let angle = 0;
while (!raylib.WindowShouldClose()) {
raylib.ClearBackground({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 });
let win_width = raylib.GetScreenWidth();
let win_height = raylib.GetScreenHeight();
let text = 'Hello World!';
let text_width = raylib.MeasureTextEx(raylib.GetFontDefault(), text, 32, 1).x;
let color = {
r: 127.5 + 127.5 * Math.sin(angle),
g: 127.5 + 127.5 * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 2),
b: 127.5 + 127.5 * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI),
a: 255
let pos = {
x: (win_width / 2 - text_width / 2) + 120 * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 2),
y: (win_height / 2 - 16) + 120 * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 2)
raylib.DrawTextEx(raylib.GetFontDefault(), text, pos, 32, 1, color);
angle += Math.PI / 180;