Lago JavaScript Client
This is a JavaScript wrapper for Lago API. Works in Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Node.js. Generated from the Lago OpenAPI document.

Current Releases
Project | Release Badge |
Lago |  |
Lago JavaScript Client |  |
For npm users:
npm install lago-javascript-client
import { Client, getLagoError } from 'lago-javascript-client';
import { Client, getLagoError } from '';
const lagoClient = Client('__YOUR_API_KEY__');
try {
const { data } = await lagoClient.billableMetrics.createBillableMetric(billableMetric);
} catch (error) {
const lagoError = await getLagoError<typeof lagoClient.billableMetrics.createBillableMetric>(error);
This SDK uses the Fetch API and natively supported Node.js version >= 18. For other Node versions:
Ideally, run Node with the --experimental-fetch
Otherwise, polyfill the Fetch API by doing both:
Patching globalThis
Pass a Fetch instance to the Lago client
import { Client } from 'lago-javascript-client';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
const lagoClient = Client("api_key", { customFetch: fetch });
Check the Lago API reference
Error handling
Use the get getLagoError<>()
utility function to extract the error object and TypeScript type:
try {
const { data } = await lagoClient.billableMetrics.createBillableMetric(billableMetric);
} catch (error) {
const lagoError = await getLagoError<typeof lagoClient.billableMetrics.createBillableMetric>(error);
Uses dnt to build and test for Deno and Node.
Release new version
Change the affected fields in scripts/build_npm.ts
and commit to GitHub. GitHub Actions will build and deploy to npm.
Requires Deno and Node.js >= 18
Generate client from OpenAPI
deno task generate:openapi
Run tests
deno task test
deno task build
Publish to npm
deno task build
cd npm
npm publish
The Lago documentation is available at
The contribution documentation is available here
Lago JavaScript client is distributed under MIT license.