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Lightweight web framework for your serverless applications

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Lightweight web framework for your serverless applications

Lambda API is a lightweight web framework for use with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda using Lambda Proxy integration. This closely mirrors (and is based on) other routers like Express.js, but is significantly stripped down to maximize performance with Lambda's stateless, single run executions.

IMPORTANT: There is a breaking change in v0.3 that affects instantiation.

Simple Example

// Require the framework and instantiate it
const api = require('lambda-api')()

// Define a route
api.get('/test', function(req,res) {
  res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok' })

// Declare your Lambda handler
module.exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
  // Run the request, context, callback)

Why Another Web Framework?

Express.js, Fastify, Koa, Restify, and Hapi are just a few of the many amazing web frameworks out there for Node.js. So why build yet another one when there are so many great options already? One word: DEPENDENCIES.

These other frameworks are extremely powerful, but that benefit comes with the steep price of requiring several additional Node.js modules. Not only is this a bit of a security issue (see Beware of Third-Party Packages in Securing Serverless), but it also adds bloat to your codebase, filling your node_modules directory with a ton of extra files. For serverless applications that need to load quickly, all of these extra dependencies slow down execution and use more memory than necessary. Express.js has 30 dependencies, Fastify has 12, and Hapi has 17! These numbers don't even include their dependencies' dependencies.

Lambda API has ONE dependency. We use Bluebird promises to serialize asynchronous execution. We use promises because AWS Lambda currently only supports Node v6.10, which doesn't support async / await. Bluebird is faster than native promise and it has no dependencies either, making it the perfect choice for Lambda API.

Lambda API was written to be extremely lightweight and built specifically for serverless applications using AWS Lambda. It provides support for API routing, serving up HTML pages, issuing redirects, and much more. It has a powerful middleware and error handling system, allowing you to implement everything from custom authentication to complex logging systems. Best of all, it was designed to work with Lambda's Proxy Integration, automatically handling all the interaction with API Gateway for you. It parses REQUESTS and formats RESPONSES for you, allowing you to focus on your application's core functionality, instead of fiddling with inputs and outputs.

Breaking Change in v0.3

Please note that the invocation method has been changed. You no longer need to use the new keyword to instantiate Lambda API. It can now be instantiated in one line:

const api = require('lambda-api')()

lambda-api returns a function now instead of a class, so options can be passed in as its only argument:

const api = require('lambda-api')({ version: 'v1.0', base: 'v1' });

IMPORTANT: Upgrading to v0.3.0 requires either removing the new keyword or switching to the one-line format. This provides more flexibility for instantiating Lambda API in future releases.

Lambda Proxy integration

Lambda Proxy Integration is an option in API Gateway that allows the details of an API request to be passed as the event parameter of a Lambda function. A typical API Gateway request event with Lambda Proxy Integration enabled looks like this:

  "resource": "/v1/posts",
  "path": "/v1/posts",
  "httpMethod": "GET",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer ...",
    "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
    "Accept-Language": "en-us",
    "cache-control": "max-age=0",
    "CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
    "CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": "true",
    "CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": "false",
    "CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": "false",
    "CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": "false",
    "CloudFront-Viewer-Country": "US",
    "Cookie": "...",
    "Host": "...",
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) ...",
    "Via": "2.0 ... (CloudFront)",
    "X-Amz-Cf-Id": "...",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "...",
    "X-Forwarded-For": "",
    "X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
    "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"
  "queryStringParameters": {
    "qs1": "q1"
  "stageVariables": null,
  "requestContext": {
    "accountId": "...",
    "resourceId": "...",
    "stage": "prod",
    "requestId": "...",
    "identity": {
      "cognitoIdentityPoolId": null,
      "accountId": null,
      "cognitoIdentityId": null,
      "caller": null,
      "apiKey": null,
      "sourceIp": "",
      "accessKey": null,
      "cognitoAuthenticationType": null,
      "cognitoAuthenticationProvider": null,
      "userArn": null,
      "userAgent": "...",
      "user": null
    "resourcePath": "/v1/posts",
    "httpMethod": "GET",
    "apiId": "..."
  "body": null,
  "isBase64Encoded": false

The API automatically parses this information to create a normalized REQUEST object. The request can then be routed using the APIs methods.


Require the lambda-api module into your Lambda handler script and instantiate it. You can initialize the API with an optional version which can be accessed via the REQUEST object and a base path.

// Require the framework and instantiate it with optional version and base parameters
const api = require('lambda-api')({ version: 'v1.0', base: 'v1' });

Routes and HTTP Methods

Routes are defined by using convenience methods or the METHOD method. There are currently five convenience route methods: get(), post(), put(), delete() and options(). Convenience route methods require two parameters, a route and a function that accepts two arguments. A route is simply a path such as /users. The second parameter must be a function that accepts a REQUEST and a RESPONSE argument. These arguments can be named whatever you like, but convention dictates req and res. Examples using convenience route methods:

api.get('/users', function(req,res) {
  // do something
})'/users', function(req,res) {
  // do something

api.delete('/users', function(req,res) {
  // do something

Additional methods are support by calling the METHOD method with three arguments. The first argument is the HTTP method, a route, and a function that accepts a REQUEST and a RESPONSE argument.

api.METHOD('patch','/users', function(req,res) {
  // do something


The REQUEST object contains a parsed and normalized request from API Gateway. It contains the following values by default:

  • app: A reference to an instance of the app
  • version: The version set at initialization
  • params: Dynamic path parameters parsed from the path (see path parameters)
  • method: The HTTP method of the request
  • path: The path passed in by the request
  • query: Querystring parameters parsed into an object
  • headers: An object containing the request headers
  • body: The body of the request.
  • If the Content-Type header is application/json, it will attempt to parse the request using JSON.parse()
  • If the Content-Type header is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, it will attempt to parse a URL encoded string using querystring
  • Otherwise it will be plain text.
  • route: The matched route of the request
  • requestContext: The requestContext passed from the API Gateway
  • namespace or ns: A reference to modules added to the app's namespace (see namespaces)
  • cookies: An object containing cookies sent from the browser (see the cookie RESPONSE method)

The request object can be used to pass additional information through the processing chain. For example, if you are using a piece of authentication middleware, you can add additional keys to the REQUEST object with information about the user. See middleware for more information.


The RESPONSE object is used to send a response back to the API Gateway. The RESPONSE object contains several methods to manipulate responses. All methods are chainable unless they trigger a response.


The status method allows you to set the status code that is returned to API Gateway. By default this will be set to 200 for normal requests or 500 on a thrown error. Additional built-in errors such as 404 Not Found and 405 Method Not Allowed may also be returned. The status() method accepts a single integer argument.

api.get('/users', function(req,res) {
  res.status(401).error('Not Authorized')


The header method allows for you to set additional headers to return to the client. By default, just the Content-Type header is sent with application/json as the value. Headers can be added or overwritten by calling the header() method with two string arguments. The first is the name of the header and then second is the value.

api.get('/users', function(req,res) {
  res.header('Content-Type','text/html').send('<div>This is HTML</div>')


The send methods triggers the API to return data to the API Gateway. The send method accepts one parameter and sends the contents through as is, e.g. as an object, string, integer, etc. AWS Gateway expects a string, so the data should be converted accordingly.


There is a json convenience method for the send method that will set the headers to application/json as well as perform JSON.stringify() on the contents passed to it.

api.get('/users', function(req,res) {
  res.json({ message: 'This will be converted automatically' })


There is a jsonp convenience method for the send method that will set the headers to application/json, perform JSON.stringify() on the contents passed to it, and wrap the results in a callback function. By default, the callback function is named callback.

res.jsonp({ foo: 'bar' })
// => callback({ "foo": "bar" })

res.status(500).jsonp({ error: 'some error'})
// => callback({ "error": "some error" })

The default can be changed by passing in callback as a URL parameter, e.g. ?callback=foo.

// ?callback=foo
res.jsonp({ foo: 'bar' })
// => foo({ "foo": "bar" })

You can change the default URL parameter using the optional callback option when initializing the API.

const api = require('lambda-api')({ callback: 'cb' });

// ?cb=bar
res.jsonp({ foo: 'bar' })
// => bar({ "foo": "bar" })


There is also an html convenience method for the send method that will set the headers to text/html and pass through the contents.

api.get('/users', function(req,res) {
  res.html('<div>This is HTML</div>')


The location convenience method sets the Location: header with the value of a single string argument. The value passed in is not validated but will be encoded before being added to the header. Values that are already encoded can be safely passed in. Note that a valid 3xx status code must be set to trigger browser redirection. The value can be a relative/absolute path OR a FQDN.

api.get('/redirectToHome', function(req,res) {
  res.location('/home').status(302).html('<div>Redirect to Home</div>')

api.get('/redirectToGithub', function(req,res) {
  res.location('').status(302).html('<div>Redirect to GitHub</div>')


The redirect convenience method triggers a redirection and ends the current API execution. This method is similar to the location() method, but it automatically sets the status code and calls send(). The redirection URL (relative/absolute path OR a FQDN) can be specified as the only parameter or as a second parameter when a valid 3xx status code is supplied as the first parameter. The status code is set to 302 by default, but can be changed to 300, 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308 by adding it as the first parameter.

api.get('/redirectToHome', function(req,res) {

api.get('/redirectToGithub', function(req,res) {


An error can be triggered by calling the error method. This will cause the API to stop execution and return the message to the client. Custom error handling can be accomplished using the Error Handling feature.

api.get('/users', function(req,res) {
  res.error('This is an error')

Convenience method for setting cookies. This method accepts a name, value and an optional options object with the following parameters:

domainStringDomain name to use for the cookie. This defaults to the current domain.
expiresDateThe expiration date of the cookie. Local dates will be converted to GMT. Creates session cookie if this value is not specified.
httpOnlyBooleanSets the cookie to be accessible only via a web server, not JavaScript.
maxAgeNumberSet the expiration time relative to the current time in milliseconds. Automatically sets the expires property if not explicitly provided.
pathStringPath for the cookie. Defaults to "/" for the root directory.
secureBooleanSets the cookie to be used with HTTPS only.
sameSiteBoolean or StringSets the SameSite value for cookie. true or false sets Strict or Lax respectively. Also allows a string value. See

The name attribute should be a string (auto-converted if not), but the value attribute can be any type of value. The value will be serialized (if an object, array, etc.) and then encoded using encodeURIComponent for safely assigning the cookie value. Cookies are automatically parsed, decoded, and available via the REQUEST object (see REQUEST).

NOTE: The cookie() method only sets the header. A execution ending method like send(), json(), etc. must be called to send the response.

res.cookie('foo', 'bar', { maxAge: 3600*1000, secure: true }).send()
res.cookie('fooObject', { foo: 'bar' }, { domain: '', path: '/admin', httpOnly: true }).send()
res.cookie('fooArray', [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ], { path: '/', httpOnly: true }).send()


Convenience method for expiring cookies. Requires the name and optional options object as specified in the cookie method. This method will automatically set the expiration time. However, most browsers require the same options to clear a cookie as was used to set it. E.g. if you set the path to "/admin" when you set the cookie, you must use this same value to clear it.

res.clearCookie('foo', { secure: true }).send()
res.clearCookie('fooObject', { domain: '', path: '/admin', httpOnly: true }).send()
res.clearCookie('fooArray', { path: '/', httpOnly: true }).send()

NOTE: The clearCookie() method only sets the header. A execution ending method like send(), json(), etc. must be called to send the response.

Path Parameters

Path parameters are extracted from the path sent in by API Gateway. Although API Gateway supports path parameters, the API doesn't use these values but insteads extracts them from the actual path. This gives you more flexibility with the API Gateway configuration. Path parameters are defined in routes using a colon : as a prefix.

api.get('/users/:userId', function(req,res) {
  res.send('User ID: ' + req.params.userId)

Path parameters act as wildcards that capture the value into the params object. The example above would match /users/123 and /users/test. The system always looks for static paths first, so if you defined paths for /users/test and /users/:userId, exact path matches would take precedence. Path parameters only match the part of the path they are defined on. E.g. /users/456/test would not match /users/:userId. You would either need to define /users/:userId/test as its own path, or create another path with an additional path parameter, e.g. /users/:userId/:anotherParam.

A path can contain as many parameters as you want. E.g. /users/:param1/:param2/:param3.

Wildcard Routes

Wildcard routes are supported for methods that match an existing route. E.g. options on an existing get route. As of now, the best use case is for the OPTIONS method to provide CORS headers. Wildcards only work in the base path. /users/*, for example, is not supported. For additional wildcard support, use Path Parameters instead.

api.options('/*', function(req,res) {
  // Do something


The API supports middleware to preprocess requests before they execute their matching routes. Middleware is defined using the use method and require a function with three parameters for the REQUEST, RESPONSE, and next callback. For example:

api.use(function(req,res,next) {
  // do something

Middleware can be used to authenticate requests, log API calls, etc. The REQUEST and RESPONSE objects behave as they do within routes, allowing you to manipulate either object. In the case of authentication, for example, you could verify a request and update the REQUEST with an authorized flag and continue execution. Or if the request couldn't be authorized, you could respond with an error directly from the middleware. For example:

// Auth User
api.use(function(req,res,next) {
  if (req.headers.Authorization === 'some value') {
    req.authorized = true
    next() // continue execution
  } else {
    res.status(401).error('Not Authorized')

The next() callback tells the system to continue executing. If this is not called then the system will hang and eventually timeout unless another request ending call such as error is called. You can define as many middleware functions as you want. They will execute serially and synchronously in the order in which they are defined.

Clean Up

The API has a built-in clean up method called 'finally()' that will execute after all middleware and routes have been completed, but before execution is complete. This can be used to close database connections or to perform other clean up functions. A clean up function can be defined using the finally method and requires a function with two parameters for the REQUEST and the RESPONSE as its only argument. For example:

api.finally(function(req,res) {
  // close unneeded database connections and perform clean up

The RESPONSE CANNOT be manipulated since it has already been generated. Only one finally() method can be defined. This uses the Bluebird finally() method internally and will execute after properly handled errors as well.

Error Handling

The API has simple built-in error handling that will log the error using console.log. These will be available via CloudWatch Logs. By default, errors will trigger a JSON response with the error message. If you would like to define additional error handling, you can define them using the use method similar to middleware. Error handling middleware must be defined as a function with four arguments instead of three like normal middleware. An additional error parameter must be added as the first parameter. This will contain the error object generated.

api.use(function(err,req,res,next) {
  // do something with the error

The next() callback will cause the script to continue executing and eventually call the standard error handling function. You can short-circuit the default handler by calling a request ending method such as send, html, or json.


Lambda API allows you to map specific modules to namespaces that can be accessed from the REQUEST object. This is helpful when using the pattern in which you create a module that exports middleware, error, or route functions. In the example below, the data namespace is added to the API and then accessed by reference within an included module.

The main handler file might look like this:

// Use app() function to add 'data' namespace'data',require('./lib/data.js'))

// Create a get route to load user details
api.get('/users/:userId', require('./lib/users.js'))

The users.js module might look like this:

module.exports = function(req, res) {
  let userInfo =
  res.json({ 'userInfo': userInfo })

By saving references in namespaces, you can access them without needing to require them in every module. Namespaces can be added using the app() method of the API. app() accepts either two parameters: a string representing the name of the namespace and a function reference OR an object with string names as keys and function references as the values. For example:'namespace',require('./lib/ns-functions.js'))

// OR{
  'namespace1': require('./lib/ns1-functions.js'),
  'namespace2': require('./lib/ns2-functions.js')


The API uses Bluebird promises to manage asynchronous script execution. The API will wait for a request ending call before returning data back to the client. Middleware will wait for the next() callback before proceeding to the next step.

NOTE: AWS Lambda currently only supports Node v6.10, which doesn't support async / await. If you'd like to use async / await, you'll need to polyfill.

CORS Support

CORS can be implemented using the wildcard routes feature. A typical implementation would be as follows:

api.options('/*', function(req,res) {
  // Add CORS headers
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS');
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization, Content-Length, X-Requested-With');

Conditional route support could be added via middleware or with conditional logic within the OPTIONS route.

Configuring Routes in API Gateway

Routes must be configured in API Gateway in order to support routing to the Lambda function. The easiest way to support all of your routes without recreating them is to use API Gateway's Proxy Integration.

Simply create one {proxy+} route that uses the ANY method and all requests will be routed to your Lambda function and processed by the lambda-api module.


Contributions, ideas and bug reports are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please add issues for suggestions and bugs reports.



Package last updated on 21 Mar 2018

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