Fork of node-ldapauth - A simple node.js lib to authenticate against an LDAP server.
About the fork
This fork was created and published because of an urgent need to get newer
version of ldapjs in use to
passport-ldapauth since the newer
version supports passing tlsOptions
to the TLS module. Once the original
module is updated I will likely abandon the fork.
Changes in this fork include:
- ldapjs upgraded from 0.5.6 to 0.6.3 #11,
- use global search/replace of
#10 - enable defining timeouts #12
- enable defining attributes to return from LDAP server #8
The additional options the changes above introduce are searchAttributes
, connectTimeout
, and tlsOptions
var LdapAuth = require('ldapauth');
var options = {
url: 'ldaps://',
var auth = new LdapAuth(options);
auth.authenticate(username, password, function(err, user) { ... });
auth.close(function(err) { ... })
npm install ldapauth
MIT. See "LICENSE" file.
Config Options
Use the source Luke
express/connect basicAuth example
var connect = require('connect');
var LdapAuth = require('ldapauth');
// Config from a .json or .ini file or whatever.
var config = {
ldap: {
url: "ldaps://",
adminDn: "uid=myadminusername,ou=users,",
adminPassword: "mypassword",
searchBase: "ou=users,",
searchFilter: "(uid={{username}})"
var ldap = new LdapAuth({
url: config.ldap.url,
adminDn: config.ldap.adminDn,
adminPassword: config.ldap.adminPassword,
searchBase: config.ldap.searchBase,
searchFilter: config.ldap.searchFilter,
//log4js: require('log4js'),
cache: true
var basicAuthMiddleware = connect.basicAuth(function (username, password, callback) {
ldap.authenticate(username, password, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
console.log("LDAP auth error: %s", err);
callback(err, user)
Check coding style before commit:
make check
To cut a release (tagging, npm publish, etc., see for details):
make cutarelease