Tool set for generating web components based web project.
npm install leanweb -g
as a global tool, ornpm install leanweb -D
in the project as a dev dependency.
If leanweb is installed as a dev dependency of the project, you will need to
run npx leanweb
, otherwise just run leanweb
if it is installed as global
I don't see any reason leanweb should be installed as npm install leanweb
I like the idea in Angular that 3 files (html/js/scss) as a component are in
charge of a box, like a div, a rectangle area. But I don't like Angular in that
my code has to be depending on so many bloated dependencies to run. I created
leanweb as a set of tools to help me create web components based web projects,
- come with zero dependency
- are based on native web components api
- are built to last
The principle is simply that 3 files (html/js/scss) as a web component will
control a box.
Getting started
In this demo, I assume leanweb is installed as a global tool by running
npm i leanweb -g
leanweb init
Create a directory called demo
for this demo project.
$ mkdir demo
$ cd demo
demo$ leanweb init
Now a leanweb.json
file and a src/
directory are created at the project
root. leanweb.json
looks like:
"name": "demo",
"title": "demo",
"components": [
which suggests a root web component demo-root
is created by leanweb init
In src/
directory, an empty demo.scss
file is created, in which we can add
global styling scss code. demo-root
web component directory is created at
. There are 3 files in this directory:
- demo-root.html
- demo-root.js
- demo-root.scss
<span>root works</span>
class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const templateNode = document.querySelector('#demo-root').content.cloneNode(true);
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }).appendChild(templateNode);
is empty.
Now if you run leanweb dist
or leanweb di
, a dist/
directory will be
created. There will be 3 files inside:
- index.html
- demo.js
- demo.css
If you deploy these 3 files to a web server, you should see root works
leanweb generate
Let's create a login
web component with leanweb generate
or leanweb g
demo$ leanweb g login
Now the leanweb.json
has one more entry in the component list:
"name": "demo",
"title": "demo",
"components": [
is the newly generated web component. The web component name is
prefixed with project name demo
. Inside src/components/
, a new web
component directory demo-login
is created containing 3 files:
- demo-login.html
- demo-login.js
- demo-login.scss
leanweb build
Let's open src/components/demo-root/demo-root.html
, which previously looks
<span>root works</span>
Now let's add one line to this file:
<span>root works</span>
then run:
demo$ leanweb build
You should see root works login works
in the browser.
leanweb dist
Unlike leanweb build
, leanweb dist
will combine all js files into one
. index.html
, demo.js
and demo.css
will be created in the
leanweb clean
leanweb clean
will delete build/
and dist/
leanweb destroy
leanweb destrory project-name
will remove the leanweb.json
file, src/
and dist/
directory. Please note the src/
directory will be
deleted by this command.
leanweb help
leanweb help command-name
will print help information for the command. For
example, leanweb help dist
or leanweb h di
will print:
demo$ npx leanweb h di
Usage: leanweb dist
This will create a dist directory in which 3 files will be created:
These 3 files could be deployed to a web server.
leanweb version
leanweb version
will print the version information of leanweb