A set of tools (as opposed to framework) to generate web components based web
npm install leanweb -g
as a global tool, ornpm install leanweb -D
in the project as a dev dependency.
If leanweb is installed as a dev dependency, you will need to run
npx leanweb
, otherwise just run leanweb
if it is installed as global tool.
I don't see any reason leanweb should be installed as npm install leanweb
I like the idea in Angular that 3 files (html/js/scss) as a component are in
charge of a box, like a div, a rectangle area. But I don't like Angular in that
my code has to be depending on so many bloated dependencies to run. I created
leanweb as a set of tools to help create web components based web projects,
- are assistive, not restrictive
- are based on native DOM and web components api
- are built to last
The principle is simply that 3 files (html/js/scss) as a web component will
control a box.
Getting started
In this demo, I assume leanweb is installed as a global tool by running
npm i leanweb -g
leanweb init
Create a directory called demo
for this demo project.
$ mkdir demo
$ cd demo
demo$ npm init -y
demo$ leanweb init
Now a leanweb.json
file and a src/
directory are created at the project
root. leanweb.json
looks like:
"name": "demo",
"components": [
which suggests a root web component demo-root
is created. In src/
an index.html
an empty demo.scss
files are created, in demo.scss
we can add
global styles. demo-root
web component directory is created at
. There are 3 files in this directory:
- root.html
- root.js
- root.scss
<span lw>name</span> works!
import LWElement from './../../lib/lw-element.js';
import interpolation from './interpolation.js';
const component = { id: 'demo-root', interpolation };
class extends LWElement {
constructor() {
name = component.id;
is empty, which is for you to add web component specific styles.
leanweb serve
Run leanweb serve
and you should see a browser window open. Try make some changes in the code, and save, the browser should refresh automatically to refrelect your changes.

leanweb electron
Run leanweb electron
and you should see an electron app window open as follows:
leanweb generate
Let's create a login
web component with leanweb generate
or leanweb g
demo$ leanweb g login
Now the leanweb.json
has one more entry in the component list:
"name": "demo",
"components": [
is the newly generated web component. The web component name is
prefixed with project name demo
. Inside src/components/
, a new web
component directory login
is created containing 3 files:
- login.html
- login.js
- login.scss
Now let's make two changes, first open up src/components/root/root.html
, and
add a new line <demo-login></demo-login>
. The new root.html
should look
like the following after the change:
<div>demo-root works!</div>
Then open up src/components/login/login.scss
, and add the following style:
div {
color: red;
And you should see the changes in the browser. Please note the styles added to
the login
component does not affect other components.
Run leanweb electron
again, and you will see the same changes reflected in
the electron app.
leanweb dist
Run leanweb dist
, and a dist
directory will be created with minified files
for production
leanweb clean
leanweb clean
will delete build/
and dist/
leanweb destroy
leanweb destrory project-name
will remove the leanweb.json
file, src/
and dist/
directory. Please note the src/
directory will be
deleted by this command.
leanweb help
leanweb help command-name
will print help information for the command. For
example, leanweb help dist
or leanweb h di
will print help information for
lean dist
leanweb version
leanweb version
will print the version information of leanweb