Great repository names are short and memorable. Need inspiration? How about legendary-pancake.
legendary-pancake is an advanced static site generator based on webpack, React and React Router. It has been extracted from Taskworld’s marketing site which requires:
Localization. The entire site may be translated into multiple languages.
A/B testing. We sometimes must generate more than one version of the same page to be able to perform A/B testing.
Prerendering. As a marketing site, the web page must appear as quickly as possible.
Code splitting. With many pages, it’s too slow to download the entire site’s content. We must be able to group related pages together as well to make navigation between different pages instantaneous.
It is designed for advanced users and gives you total control of:
Your site structure.
Unlike Gatsby, it doesn’t generate routes based on filesystem layout.
You define every route programmatically.
How you write CSS.
PostCSS? PreCSS? cssnext? Sass? LESS? Stylus? CSS Modules? Autoprefixer? Inline Styles?
legendary-pancake has no preference on this.
The prerendering process.
You decide how your React element gets turned into an HTML file.
You can use libraries like react-document-title, react-helmet to help with <head>
elements, or roll your own solution.
Inline your CSS or JS in your HTML file, or put it in another chunk. It’s all up to you.
Route loading. legendary-pancake has no preference on how to load your page contents. For small sites, you can package the entire site content in a single bundle.
Or you can use webpack’s code splitting or bundle-loader to split your contents into multiple chunks which are loaded asynchronously, either eagerly or on-demand.
Create a chunk for every page, or group related pages together based on analytics data, like we do at Taskworld.
You’re in total control.
Your deployment process.
The pages will be built in build/pages
and other webpack assets in build/browser
The rest is up to you.
By separating the data from the assets, this allows for some advanced use-cases, such as A/B testing a static site.
But legendary-pancake
will take care of these for you:
Development and building workflow.
It comes with a CLI tool to run the development server and generate the static site.
Managing URLs and route transitions.
legendary-pancake preconfigures React Router to support asynchronous routing and prerendering at the same time, and abstracts it away behind an API that is more suited for static routes.