1.0.23 | add agw-proxy as AG . @190509. |
1.0.22 | improve log |
1.0.21 | environ.TS for time-stamp. |
1.0.20 | add $exist for elasticsearch to check existing field |
1.0.19 | add do_queue_protocol in protocol-proxy |
1.0.18 | add highlight $H for elasicsearch |
1.0.17 | add 'qs_parse', 'qs_stringify' in utility |
1.0.16 | cron-proxy support Rules in CloudWatch. |
1.0.15 | reserved search param page/ipp. |
1.0.14 | impromve ES6 index initializer. see do_initialize() |
1.0.13 | support callback(url) as $protocol().do_post_notify_protocol(url, body, callback) vis SNS. |
1.0.12 | bug: _current_time error in records |
1.0.11 | bug: save when 404 NOT FOUND |
1.0.10 | improve validate_properties. |
1.0.9 | ES_TIMESERIES - onRecords, do not update cache if timeseries. |
1.0.8 | ES_TIMESERIES to support Time-Series Data (ex: item-trace) |
1.0.6 | hot-fix of iota. |
1.0.5 | use elasticsearch as 1st cache. see REDIS_PKEY = '#' . |
1.0.4 | optimized 'do_readX' for xecured property. |
1.0.3 | add 'do_post_execute_notify' |
1.0.2 | do_saveES() direct save into ES. |
1.0.1 | updated package dependencies |
1.0.0 | support in-memory cache for node transaction. |
0.3.25 | s3-proxy support tags for S3 Tagging. |
0.3.24 | add s3-proxy as S3 . @180913. |
0.3.23 | cognito: do_get_confirm_user() . @180911. |
0.3.22 | support xecured fields see XECURE_KEY . @180801. |
0.3.21 | add 'do_post_execute_protocol' |
0.3.20 | try to parse body for http-proxy . |
0.3.19 | get stringified param and body for protocol-proxy . |
0.3.18 | add protocol-proxy . |
0.3.17 | optimize http-proxy . |
0.3.16 | optimize log msg. |
0.3.15 | add ses-proxy as SE . |
0.3.14 | add sqs stat as $SS.do_statistics() . |
0.3.13 | lambda-proxy as 'LS'. set LS_ENDPOINT . |
0.3.12 | optimize 404 error message. |
0.3.11 | allow ipp to be set 0. |
0.3.10 | sns-proxy as 'SN' |
0.3.9 | support ES6 with ES_VERSION = 6 . |
0.3.8 | minor fix for log of redis:my_save_node |
0.3.7 | mysql id-generator configuration (see $LEM.do_next_id() ). |
0.3.6 | fix ElasticSearch create index error due to 'string'. |
0.3.5 | support as _$.httpProxy(_$, name, uri) . |
0.3.4 | fix require error. |
0.3.3 | add httpProxy service. (use _$.createHttpProxy(name, endpoint) ) |
0.3.2 | cognito service - manager user/group. |
0.3.1 | remove MMS,user,group service. and add cognito service. |
0.2.13 | cognito-proxy as 'CS' |
0.2.12 | try to create node in dynamo if error of "an attribute that does not exist in the item" |
0.2.5 | web-proxy as 'WS' |
0.2.4 | record event handler |
0.2.3 | sqs-proxy as 'SS' |
0.2.0 | support scope during initialize |